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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 31-Aug-2006

Author: kscornell
Posting date: Sat, 02-Sep-2006 7:27:22 AM PDT

Happy Thursday! From the way things heated up today, it's sure to be an interesting Fall! And here we go...
We start off with Lulu, who's still considering abortion--but not if the Q's have anything to say about it.
Tracy runs into her at the mansion and pulls out the big guns: telling her about the abortion SHE had and how she has lived to regret it, blah blah. Lulu sees right through her and isn't buying it; telling Tracy that it's just an attempt to force her to have the baby and she knows how it feels to be unwanted.
Tracy actually defends Luke and tells Lulu that she knows one thing about him: that he loves his children and Lulu isn't having any of it; asking Tracy if that's the case, where is he?
Tracy tells Edward that she's going to go find Luke whereever he is, because Lulu needs him (must mean that Tony Geary's coming back soon, yippee!!), but Edward later puts the screws on Lulu. He tells her that if needed, he will get a court order forcing her to have the baby.
On to Alexis. She's getting ready to go to the hospital to have her cancer surgery and she's terrified; however she has a pleasant surprise in the form of Jacks, back in Port Charles and paying her a visit at the Lake House.
He doesn't know anything about her diagnosis and is distressed to learn that things are as serious as they are. He tells Alexis that he's a big believer in the power of positive thinking and to think positive.
Things get tense when Nicholas comes in, holding Spencer. Everyone decides to be civil for Alexis' sake and Jacks makes a graceful exit.
Nicholas calls out the elephant in the corner and asks Alexis where Ric is. After she tells him that he's acting DA and is at work, he tells her that that isn't important right now and he should be by her side getting ready to take her to the hospital.
Sam comes in, bringing Alexis a present to cheer her up--and Sam, Alexis, Molly and Christina all take a picture together before they leave.
Carly's also back in town, and descends on Jason and Sonny in that order. She puts two and two together and figures out at Sonny's that Ric slept with Sam and is grossed out by the thought. She's too quick for Sonny, who keeps saying "I didn't say it! I didn't say it!" Yeesh!
Speaking of Sonny, he's got bigger problems to deal with. He's still reeling from Lainey's news that someone had broken into her office and taken his medical records. He is convinced that it's too risky to continue therapy at this point, but Lainey comes to his home to beg him to reconsider; telling him that she'd actually make housecalls if needed. And we know that Alcazar is a prime suspect!
Can't wait for Friday--stay tuned!

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