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General Hospital Update for Friday, 22-Sep-2006

Author: kscornell
Posting date: Sun, 01-Oct-2006 9:58:52 PM PDT

And the Fall is heating up on GH! What with the groundwork being laid for Genie Francis' return as Laura Spencer in October and several meaty story lines, it was a busy week in Port C!
We start off in Maxie's hospital room at Mercy, where Lucky is trying to convince her that there never was an "us" in us and she is recovering from her suicide attempt. Lucky is trying to gently let her down, but it's not working, as Maxie lashes out at him, calling him a liar and a user. (If the shoe fits, right?) Diego finally convinces him to leave.
On the way out, Lucky realizes that he needs more pills and it's time for the next fix--just when he sees Maxie's doctor. Now that he knows that Maxie is no longer a source, Lucky takes the plunge and asks the Doc to check him out for pain.
The Doc buys his story and writes him another prescription, which Lucky waves in front of Liz's face at the hospital, saying that this proves he's not an addict, yada yada.
Liz, who is pretty fragile herself these days, isn't buying it, to say the least, and asks Lucky to leave. She's even taken to lecturing everyone at GH about pain pills and thankfully has Epiphany to run interference with the rest of the staff for her!
Since we're now at GH, let's talk about Alexis. She's taken a turn for the worse and might not live through the night. Robin and Patrick tell Nicholas and Sam that her only hope is to go into surgery to have a chest tube inserted, which could be dicey, due to her weakened condition. Sam freezes and can't sign the consents, but Nicholas comes to the rescue.
While Alexis is being prepped for the OR, Nicholas talks to Sam about possible plans for Molly and Christina, should Alexis not make it. Sam is willing to be their guardian, but Nicholas lays down the law: absolutely no Jason if this happens! Sam goes to the Hospital roof for some alone time afterwards.
Liz has called Jason in the meantime to tell him that Sam would probably need him, and he meets her on the roof. Sam tearfully tells him that leading separate lives is probably easier under the circumstances.
Now on to Carly, Jax and now Sonny! Things between Carly and Jax are heating up again and PC's leading mobster isn't having any of it. He will do anything to keep them apart--even, as it turns out sending Max over to fool around with Jax's car!! (The plan backfired, in case you were wondering...) Sonny goes over to Carly's house for round two, but no luck, as she hooks up with Jax at the Metrocourt anyway.
Max, in the meantime is beating himself up over the car caper and gets snockered in front of Jason at Chez Corinthos. (Yes, he's still carrying a torch!!)
Carly decides to cook Sonny's goose and calls Lainey to go over to Sonny's house for an emergency session! And it also turns out, Leticia and the boys are over there as well--as it seems that the pipes have burst in Carly's kitchen and her house is flooding! (Really!!) Sonny sends Max over to the Metrocourt to tell Carly and get her out of Jax's bed. And the plot thickens!!!
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