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General Hospital Update for Friday, 13-Oct-2006

Author: jackie
Posting date: Fri, 13-Oct-2006 2:51:17 PM PDT

Friday the 13th on General Hospital shows an anxious, irate Sam sparring with Elizabeth over her pregnancy. Jason interrupts this argumentative scenario. Poor Liz is getting hit by all. An angry Lulu has accused Elizabeth of not helping Lucky while he is in rehab. Gee, will this young lady ever get the stress relief she needs?
Carly's children, Michael and Morgan, are still playing the let's-get-rid-of Jax game. It's truly comical!Sonny is questioning them about Carly's secret date. HA Sonny can be soooooo funny!
Luke goes to Sonny for his help. They bring in Diego to question him about where his dad Alcazar might be. A dutiful Luke wants to save his beloved, pregnant Sparky(Skye).
A strong-willed Liz goes to have her paternity test. Is this Lucky or Jason's baby?
We viewers should know the results in a few days.
(Actually, this fan is quite tired of "these baby stories."):) Enough is enough! Elizabeth said, "I am ready to find out who is the father of this baby."Aren't we all?
Lulu goes to visit Lucky. She tells him that she had seen Elizabeth.She is not too happy with Liz's inattention to Lucky.
Lucky said: "Part of getting clean is taking responsibility for what I've done ro others."
Then he sdded, "I got Maxie pregnant." Of course, she could be lying.( an aside)
Carly asks Jason if he wants to be Liz's baby's daddy.Then Sam tearfully tells Jason that she can't cope with his having someone else's child. WOW!
The evil nanny, Colleen, is trying to seduce a drugged Nicholas as Emily walks in. When Em leans over Nic, he kisses her.
Jax fixes a truly romantic candlelight dinner for Carly... minus her boys. When Luke tells Lucky and Lulu about going to find Skye, Lulu
walks out and Lucky asks him: "Why can't you stay for Lulu this time? When will we be your priority?"
Tune in on Monday to get the scoop.

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