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General Hospital Update for Friday, 20-Oct-2006

Author: kscornell
Posting date: Sat, 21-Oct-2006 6:23:15 AM PDT

Only 6 days till the return of Genie Francis as Laura Spencer--and this GH fan can't wait! In the meantime, there was lots of drama in Port C today as always...
The biggest thing I have to report is that Skye has gone into labor and her baby is indeed on the way. If you don't remember, Lorenzo found her last week and has now stashed her in South America, where he is personally standing watch over her.
Help is on the way, in the form of Luke and Robert, the dynamic duo. Robert, who IMHO should sue GH's wardrobe dept for the ridiculous cowboy outfit they put him in and Luke seize the moment to make their move. Things are helped along by Skye, who hits Lorenzo over the head with a vase, knocking him out in the process. But before they can make their getaway, contractions hit--and escape plans are put on hold.
An other big story involves Emily and Colleen, the nanny whose trolley is off the tracks. Nick is sleeping off his pain pills when Colleen checks on him and starts to kiss him, but is interrupted in the nick of time by Emily. After Colleen leaves the room, Em tells Nick that Colleen basically gives her the creeps and he should think about replacing her. Nick is having none of it.
Em isn't convinced and calls Bernie to have Colleen checked out, which he does. She's squeaky clean, he says, but there's one small thing: 3 of the 5 families she worked for in the past had trouble--with the fathers either dying or disappearing!!
And speaking of Colleen, she's up to her old tricks--but this time takes off her shirt and jumps into bed with Nick! Hooookaaaay....
Finally, Liz and her baby's daddy. The paternity test results have come back, and she's opened the envelope, but before she could read what's inside, a patient called her needing help.
The candidates for baby daddy honors? Jason has left the country with Sonny's help, after beating Rick to a pulp and Lucky is still in Rehab hoping to get back on the PCPD.
Jason met Rick in a parking garage, where Rick started goading him, calling Sam a hooker, yada yada. Jason went off, and before he could kill him, Sonny came up (he was also called by Rick) and pulled Jason off him. Obviously, this was deliberate on Rick's part.
Rick is admitted to GH and tells Alexis that he's going to have Jason charged with attempted murder and this time it's going to stick. Sonny comes to see him and tells him to drop the charges, or else he's telling Alexis everything.
Mac goes to see Lucky in Rehab, telling him basically that it will be a cold day in you-know-where before he a. gets back on the PCPD and b. hooks up again with Maxie. Lulu also believes this, and even goes to Sonny asking if he could "take care of Maxie" by paying her off!
And Laura Spencer wakes up in how many days? She's going to have her hands full!
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