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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 16-Nov-2006

Author: jackie
Posting date: Thu, 16-Nov-2006 2:57:12 PM PDT

What A lovely Wedding for Laura and Luke! In her off- white satin gown with a glittering overlay and Luke in his dark suit,these two lovebirds sealed their commitment to each other for better or worse.Laura has begun to get somewhat forgetful,disoriented, etc. but all goes well during the vows, etc. An inebriated Tracy keeps her anger and hurt quiet.Lulu is her mom's maid-of-honor and Lucky stands by his dad as best man.
Emily. Liz, Laura's mom, and Lulu give mementos to the bride-to-be prior to the wedding. In the Quartermaine's lovely garden, friends and family listen as Luke and Laura declare their love for each other. After 25 years, they still have that special glow that gives an aura of everlasting love.Laura says: " Fate hasn't always been kind to us. IT has stolen time from us, but I am proud to be your wife forever."As they are pronounced man and wife, pictures are taken, Sonny looks lovingly at Carly, etc. Luke makes a toast thanking them for coming to view their matrimony.To the tune of "Isn't She lovely", a glowing Laura throws her bouquet. Guess which uninvited guest appears to catch it? Miss Maxie catches it with fervor and a sneaky little smile.She has guts, doesn't she?The most beautiful moment is when a horse- drawn carriage adorned in roses, etc. picks them up. Tis a Cinderella moment.( Thanks to Nic)
The driver takes the happy couple into a Wonderland of fall colors, a colorful lit gazebo, waterfall, etc.Here they dance and take in the exihilaration of renewed love.
IN the meantime, Jason, Sam, and the weird college student leave their safe house. In the background, one can see guns being cocked, Alonzo and Ric arguing, etc. Sonny is almost arrested at the after party when Liz faints. Sam and Jason haven't turned themselves in,and Sonny is to be held as an accessory.When Sam, Jason, and this weird guy are about to settle into a car, Jas yells for them to get out.At this time, the car explodes.
Dr. Robin knows what may reoccur with Laura, but this viewer feels that all can ,at least, relish these precious moments of their reuniting as man and wife. That's the image we should remember!
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