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General Hospital Update for Friday, 17-Nov-2006

Author: kscornell
Posting date: Sat, 18-Nov-2006 7:44:59 AM PDT

Today was a sad day all around in Port Charles; topped off with a stunning relevation! It all made me wonder what's going to happen next.
We started off still in afterglow from yesterday's wedding of Luke and Laura. Luke and Laura are toasting their nuptials, but their happiness is bound to fade quickly--as Laura tells Luke how she saw Helena and how she has now figured out that her time with him will be short.
Luke confirms it, and tells Laura gently how it's going to happen--that she will gradually become more and more forgetful, until finally she slips back into catatonia. Laura realizes that it's already started happening, since she got lost in the Q mansion before the wedding yesterday and she had lost time in the garden as well.
She tells Luke that the children must be told and they are summoned to Leslie's house for a meeting--but Laura forgets calling them!
There's much more going in PC. however. Sam and Jason (remember them?)are still on the run with Spinelli, the geeky computer nerd--and Ric is hot on their tail. They are holed up in a warehouse when they are spotted, and shots are soon flying out.
Big problems soon happen. Christina is having a birthday party at Kelly's, when she sees a puppy in the alley--and wanders into the warehouse looking for the pooch!
Her timing isn't good, as she's just in time to see Sam shoot and kill Diego, as she's fleeing with Jason. Trust me, it was self-defense, but Ms. McCall is going to need a good lawyer and should probably call her mom for this one!
Christina is traumatized and won't leave Sam's arms--even when Ric busts in looking for Jason. Jason is found with Spinelli and is shot by a police officer--and everyone thinks his body fell in the water.
People start mourning in various ways. Carly is devastated and Jacks is doing everything he can to comfort her. Sonny goes to Ric's office and tells him that Jason used to beg him to let him kill Ric, but he never would do it, because Ric was his mother's son. Now that Jason, his real brother is dead, all bets are off--and he points his gun at Ric's chest.
Liz goes to a local chapel to light a candle for Jason--and is stunned when she hears Jason moaning at her feet! He's alive--but just barely! She does everything in her power to keep him alive--and drops her bombshell: the baby she's carrying isn't Lucky's, but Jason's! Ooh baby, is this going to get gooood!!!!!!!!!
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