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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 21-Nov-2006

Author: tadams
Posting date: Tue, 21-Nov-2006 3:47:49 PM PDT

Carly, overcome with relief to learn that Jason is alive, puckers up and plants a big one on her ex. Could be trouble for Candy Boy. Liz nurses Jason at her old studio. Carly shows up, thanks her, then brushes her off. Jason tells Carly that Liz saved his life, Carly warns Jason not to confuse gratitude with love. It's been a long day for Laura, what with the wedding and all, but she requests one last Christmas with her family before she slips away. While the boys are out making Christmas, Laura pries the truth from Lulu, and she spills her guts about the abortion. Laura respects her choice and bestows absolution on her distraught daughter. Meanwhile, Sam's in lockup at the PCPD. Rick threatens to put Christina on the stand. Jax shows up and supports Sam. Sonny shows up and tells Sam that Jason is alive, but she must play the grieving girlfriend for now. Liz goes to Kelly's for a tea and grilled cheese, and Ric shows up (she's creeped out). Lucky comes in and tells her about Laura's condition, and would she come to early Christmas? She agrees, just to get away from Ric's clutches. Carly stays with Jason, telling him that he's everything to her. Jason senses something is up, and asks her what happened. She tells him about the lip-lock, just as Sonny comes in. Carly splits, Jason wants to go to Sam, Sonny talks him out of it. He needs to rest.
Luke runs into Tracy while he's cutting down a tree at the Quartermaine's. She's mad, and knows she can't complete with the love of his life. Later, she says the same to Dillion and Edward. Lorenzo is wracked with anguish in the church and prays for strength to avenge his murdered son. Later, he shows up at the Quartermaine's. Skye finds out that Jason and Diego have both died that evening. Lila Rae calms his fury some. Laura gaps out for a bit, but recovers enough to gather her kin while they place the angel on the tree. Liz tells Emily that Jason is alive, but to keep it quiet. Carly rushes into Jax's beefy arms, begging for some lovemaking. "You're the only man for me". Is she thinking about Jax, or that kiss with Sonny? Stay tuned for Terry's Tuesdays.
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