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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 28-Nov-2006

Author: tadams
Posting date: Tue, 28-Nov-2006 4:32:28 PM PDT

Hi Folks! Welcome to Terry's Tuesdays.

Carly catches up with Jax at the MetroCourt, all in a lather about his ‘running out’ on her after she told him about the tonsil hockey with the Godfather. Jax denies running out, or that the kiss mattered to him. Carly protests too much, insisting “that kiss meant nothing to me”. Keep telling yourself that, honey.
Lorenzo’s in the D.A.’s office with Ric, speculating on Jason’s breathing, and if he is, they can wait for him to go to Sam. But Spinelli is the big problem, and Lorenzo assures the D.A. that he’s got it covered.
Sam’s still languishing in lockup at the PCPD. She needs a lawyer, and Alexis will defend her, promising to ‘deliver’ her daughter from the diabolical D.A. Sam’s concerned for her mother’s health and tries to dissuade her. No dice. Alexis tells Sam “I’m the best shot you have”. After mom leaves, Daddy Ric shows up and tries to bully Sam into admitting she knows that Jason is alive. He threatens- cooperate or loverboy’s in a body bag. She lies, he badgers her. Sam holds her own, and says she will be proven innocent.
Elizabeth bolts to the studio to tell Jason that Lucky is gunning for him. Speak of the devil, the cop shows up at the studio. There’s an awkward exchange while Jason hides in the closet. Lucky buys her story about the painting, and being alone, Yeah, yeah. He tells her about the ‘Jason’ assignment, she feigns understanding (lying through her teeth). She has no idea where big bad sexy Jason is. Lucky tells her that he still loves her. Is he winning her over a bit? With loverboy eavesdropping? Later, Jason hobbles out and tells her he’s sorry she has to lie. Wouldn’t it be better to get everything on the table? Tell Lucky about the sex? After all, Jason says, “It would be different if the baby was mine”. Liz bites her lip. “Some secrets are just better kept”, she says. Oh what a tangled web.
Georgie and Lulu are at Kelly’s, talking about poor dead Diego, when Professor Pete comes in. He chides Lulu about blowing off an essay. Yeah, so her mother’s in Shadybrook. What’s Lulu’s excuse? Just then, the gnarly geek text messages him: he’s hiding out from the mob, and begs for a rescue. Pete bolts. Lulu goes after him, just in time to see him being questioned by two of Lorenzo’s goons. Pete gives her the book with the cell phone inside, as the henchmen haul him off.
Skye catches up with Emily at GH, and asks her to get in touch with Jason, if she can. They argue about who’s the worst mobster, Jason or Lorenzo. Anyway, Lorenzo is paying for his mistakes, and shouldn’t they stop hunting each other? Skye tells Emily she can get her man to agree to a truce.
Lorenzo is at home when the goons drag Pete in. Pete lies about knowing the geek’s whereabouts. Lorenzo threatens him. Skye arrives and breaks that up.
Later, Jax comes back to the hotel, and Carly has closed the place for a private party. They get into this fake sleigh and play fantasy about their future. She asks him to marry her on New Year’s Eve, and he agrees.
Lulu shows up with chips at Spinelli’s hideout. He tells her she has to help him, because both mob bosses are out to ice him. Lulu promises to straighten it all out with Sonny, because he’s a personal friend of her dad’s. So they leave, and promptly get pinched by the same two mob goons.
Back at Kelly’s, Georgie is steamed about Dillon’s over protectiveness towards Lulu. She’s got a family. She doesn’t need Dillon as her ‘personal guardian’. OK, so just as Dillon starts to get kissy-face with his squeeze, Pete comes rushing in, asking “where’s Lulu?” Oh-oh, she’s in trouble now. Prince Dillon to the rescue?
Skye tells Lorenzo she wants to baptize Lila Rae in the Catholic church, out of respect for her daughter’s daddy. He sees through that one, and ‘what’s it going to cost me’? Skye is willing to accept his lifestyle, but just don’t make the first move against Sonny and Jason, OK? He agrees not to provoke the mob brothers, for her and the baby, but his face tells a different story.
Lucky visits Sam in the interrogation room (she’s living there now). He starts telling her about ‘doing the right thing’, but she quickly enlightens him. Ric wants Elizabeth for himself. He’s setting you up. You’ll both rub each other out. Lucky looks like he might be buying it.
Stan shows up at the studio, saying he’s found Spinelli on-line. Find him for real, Jason insists. Liz nags him for putting himself at risk for Sam. Stan finds the geek.
Oh, and a heated exchange between Ric and Alexis in the D.A.’s office. She drops the bombshell; she’s defending Sam. Ric says “you can’t”, and she comes back with “since when do I need your permission?” Oh, she’s so all powerful and confident. She’ll eat him for breakfast. She’ll destroy him in court. She’ll…..oh no, she gets weak and her head scarf comes off. Total humiliation. Hang on a sec, is that concern on Ric’s face? Is there still something there?

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