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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 5-Dec-2006

Author: tadams
Posting date: Tue, 05-Dec-2006 4:35:39 PM PDT

Hi Everyone and welcome to Terry's Tuesdays. It's hissy-fit day! Everyone throws a tantrum, a thrombo, a spaz. What a day. It must be Christmas stress or something.

Elizabeth runs into Lucky at Kelly’s, with the scheming Maxie peering in the window. The couple cozy up and he invites his estranged wife to dinner. Of course, Maxie comes in and breaks that up, gushing all over Lucky about their baby. But when Georgie looks at the non-existent ‘bump’, Maxie gets all weird. Sure, she’s faking. Diego knew it, but dead men tell no tales. Lucky says ‘sorry’ to Liz, but she’s OK with it, she believes in him and she’ll be around for that dinner. After Lucky leaves for his shift, Maxie starts badgering Liz. Georgie intervenes, and Maxie throws a hissy-fit on her sister. She says that The Spencers are pushing Dillon and Lulu together. Dillon arrives to hear that, and calls it ‘a blatant lie’. Protest much? Georgie is some steamed, and storms off to the kitchen.
Nicholas, Emily and Alfred are having a major spaz thinking that Spencer’s been kidnapped by the naughty nanny. Sure, Colleen had a crush, but would she steal the kid? Just then, nanny shows up with a lame excuse about looking at the stars. Emily snatches the baby while the Prince demands “Where the hell did you take my son?” While Em beds the babe, Nicolas gives Colleen the pink slip. She bawls and throws a hissy-fit. Nic assures her she did nothing wrong, but he and Em have reconciled, and their needs have changed. Psycho-girl suddenly shifts gears, and accepts her fate with fake grace.
Ric and his cop goons have searched Sam’s room at the Metrocourt, but found no trace of Jason. The D.A. starts with his usual threats to Sam (yeah, yeah, lock you up, you’re goin’ down, Jason’s toast, yada yada…). Jax threatens back. He’ll call Mayor Floyd, he made big political contributions, Ric’s messing with his business. Ric backs off.
Showdown at the Corinthos mansion! A little tense with guns pointed at heads; Sonny’s goons, Lorenzo’s goons, and poor little Lulu in the crosshairs. Lorenzo asks Lulu to cooperate, but she’ll have none of it. She heard him in the warehouse. He wants to get her drunk and push her car off a cliff. With sirens wailing, Lorenzo and co. scram outta there. Later, at the mansion, Sonny tells Lulu she made a stupid move, trying to run. Lulu throws a hissy-fit, arguing “You’re not my father”, when Sonny tries to tell her what to do. But he’s going to save her life anyway.
Patrick pages Robin to give her some mushy love-puppy woobie goo, and she bites his head off. She throws a major hissy-fit when he tries to help her with her emotional/professional problems. Man, is she cranky. All Patrick hears is self-pity, and after her tantrum, she storms off in a huff. Later, he tries to apologize to her, and she bites his head of again. He wants to help, she chews him up.
Meanwhile, Carly starts in on Sam about her ‘behavior’; blindly chasing after Jason, almost getting caught, use some common sense for pete’s sake (sounds like Alexis). Just then, Sonny calls and Carly goes blindly chasing after him. The irony is not lost on Sam and Jax. So, Sam and Jax are cozy on the couch chatting (looking way too much like Jax and Brenda), and Sam tells him how he’ll never come first with Carly. He’s still true, though. He trusts Carly. Yeah, and how long is that supposed to last??
Lorenzo goes home to Skye, and spills his guts about the whole, sordid mess, including the fact that he almost killed Lulu. She’s appalled and horrified. So, is he going to kill her too? The Gangster denies that he would ever cross that line, and deprive his child of its mother. So what then? Is it over between them? It looks that way, until Skye brokers a deal. Let Lulu live, and she won’t leave. That’s some sacrifice for her lover’s child. (yeah, Luke. Remember him? How long before he swoops in and steals Lorenzo’s family?)
Alexis storms in on Sam and Jax at the Metrocourt, and lays into Sam about, well, everything. Before her hissy-fit gets going, Jax intervenes (isn’t he Mr. Peacemaker?)
He tells Alexis that Sam loves Jason, and look what happened the last time you tried to come between them. Jax is on her side, but she needs the truth. Sam will never live up to her expectations. After he leaves, Sam tells her mom that he’s right, and that if she has to choose, she chooses Jason. So, you’d better drop the case mom. Ric shows up at that moment, ready to haul Sam back to lockup for bail breach. Alexis bails her out again, saying that she arranged the hotel visit. Ric tells his ex that defending Sam is a waste of her time and health. After he leaves, Sam asks her why she keeps doing this.
Carly shows up to babysit Lulu at Sonny’s, and she tells her ex that he’s “begging for a war” with the teen. Cop Lucky shows up, and Carly keeps his sister quiet while Sonny gets interrogated in the lobby. Carly talks some sense into Lulu.
Dillon follows Georgie into the kitchen and tries to convince her (and himself) that he loves her, but he’s worried about Lulu. She’s not buying what he’s selling. Lulu calls Dillon on the cell with some concocted story about a ski trip. Dillon tells Georgie that he’s been an idiot to worry.
Meanwhile, back at Windemere, Nic and Em are all cozy on the couch, planning their magical Christmas, when- HOLD THE PHONE- Crazy Colleen has Helena tied up in some scary room in the castle. Looks good on Helena. She’s going to let the old bag rot up there, and (as her psycho eyeballs twitch) she vows that everyone in that house deserves to PAY!.

Is anyone reading this? I'd love some feedback. tadamse750@rogers.com
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