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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 12-Dec-2006

Author: tadams
Posting date: Tue, 12-Dec-2006 7:45:38 PM PDT

Lorenzo and Ric are sniping at each other at the Gangster’s crib; somebody had better ice Spinelli and Jason, or it’s both their necks.
Sonny’s at Carly’s house, explaining to her why she can’t marry Jax. So she drops the big one- “you want me back, say it SAY IT!”. And, holy cow, he says it. Yes, I do. She protests, he badgers. She insists that they’ll marry on New Year’s Eve. He comes back “Wanna bet?” Ya, he’s got it bad (except when it comes to the ‘L’ word). Carly protests that she loves Jax and that she’s never been more sure of anything in her life. (all teary as she looks longingly into the mobster’s dark and dreamy eyes). Anyone buying? C’mon, plant another one on him. You know you waaan’ it. So, he leaves and she pines at the window, then smells his gloves (woof!). Jax comes back and she pulls herself together. The Aussie hunk tries to get all snooky-ookums with his squeeze, but she’s obviously distracted.
Sonny goes to see his Dad at Kelly’s for a coffee (you don’t see that often). Mike has some good advice for him. You’re about to lose the woman you love because of pride- that’s gonna hurt like hell. He reminds his son that Carly is the only woman he ever loved and trusted, but you threw it all away and regretted it ever since.
Jason and Lulu nab the geek at granny's after a long and convoluted pregnancy scam. Spinelli protests that no one could find him, just as there’s a big knock at the door. It’s a fake cable guy (one of Alcazar’s goons). So the testy trio have to scram outta there. Jason drives like a maniac to loose Lorenzo’s men, which he does.
Maxie continues to drive a wedge between Lucky and Liz. There she is at GH, trying to convince Lucky that Liz doesn’t give a damn and is just using him. All while she adjusts that pillow she’s got under her dress. Maxie storms out and Ric shows up, asking Lucky to keep an eye on Lorenzo; he might be up to something big tonight. Oh, there is no honour among thieves. The bad boys are at each others’ throats. Lucky goes to work, and Ric sticks around to get his meat-hooks into Liz, feigning concern for Lucky. Liz brushes him off politely. She is so on to the sleeze. But he comes on sincere, and they commiserate about living with divorce. Geez, will you give it up, Ric? How many times can Liz walk to the other side of the nurses’ station? Oh, he’s so pathetic, making small talk and bringing up old times when they were together.
Alcazar’s back home from GH to see Skye. As the couple go to peek in the Christmas closet, a spark from the fire sets the place ablaze. Lucky blows his cover and rushes in to put out the fire. Lorenzo figures that one out in a nano-second. Lucky tells a lame story, but Lorenzo’s not buying. He knows the worm (Ric) has turned. After Skye leaves, he stashes a little gift in the dresser. His goons phone to say that they lost Spinelli. He tells them to call it off and let Jason and Co. come back and give Lansing some trouble.
Georgie shows up at GH to give Maxie a ride, and little Miss Jones throws a paranoid hissy-fit, thinking that bad old Liz had sent Georgie. Georgie snaps back “Deep down you know that Lucky is never going to love you”. She’s right.
Then, Ric shows his religious side- he goes to confession. Oh, boo hoo. Elizabeth was my greatest love, I just want to be a good father, Oh forgive my sins, I’ve been such a bad boy…just when we start to feel a weensy bit sorry, he vows to get Liz back, no matter what.
At the same time, Liz is warning Lucky about Ric. Maxie is stealing something off the drug cart, and Liz remembers telling Jason about his baby, just after he was shot. Sonny gushes over a picture of his wife, while she talks “baby” with Jax. Just when they start ‘working’ on it, Sonny calls. He makes a date with Carly to discuss the boys and the holidays. Then he clears his schedule. Who wants to bet he makes her pasta? That should really boil her noodles.

feedback is always welcome tadamse750@rogers.com
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