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General Hospital Update for Friday, 15-Dec-2006

Author: kscornell
Posting date: Sat, 16-Dec-2006 6:06:42 AM PDT

The holidays are in the air in Port Charles--along with solving a murder, an upcoming trial and a fake pregnancy! Hey, it's a soap opera, right?
We start off with Lulu, and her new mission: to prove that her mom Laura did not kill Rick Webber, her stepfather. After everyone's cleared of all the charges at the PCPD, Laura enlists Spinelli's help to hack into the PCPD computer data base to get all of the info on Webber's murder.
Naturally, the computer geek hits paydirt and is in the system within 5 minutes. Dylan runs into them while this is going on at Kelly's and brings up several movies this naturally reminds him of. Sounds like the old Dylan's coming back, doesn't it?
Everyone moves to the attic at the Webber house, the murder scene, where the kids try to restage it. And Lulu has a revelation: it turns out that based on where the police found everyone on the scene, there was no way that Laura could have killed Rick--but she possibly could have freaked out over seeing the murderer come up from behind!
On to Maxie and her "pregnancy". I think Lucky is starting to smell a rat here, because he asked to have a serious conversation with the little mama to be at Kelly's.
He brought up the subject of adoption with her and naturally Maxie wasn't having any of it. She got testy and even said that Liz should put her baby up for adoption!
Meanwhile, at the Lake House, Alexis is helping Sam get ready for her upcoming murder trial when Jason pays a visit. He explains that all of the charges against him, Lulu and Spinelli were dropped, since Spinelli showed the cops how he doctored the flash drive so Ric could frame Sam. There is, however, the small matter of Sam's murder trial to deal with, since Diego's not coming back anytime soon.
Sam goes back with Jason to his apartment and things are starting to get hot and heavy over a Chinese dinner. It looks like Sam's going to be moving back in soon and she and Jason even make a trip upstairs to seal the deal.
Things aren't so rosy for Carly and Jacks, however. Carly's tracked Sonny down to his island, after the boys were depressed about him not being there for the Christmas pageant.
Carly announces to Jacks that she's getting on a plane to bring Sonny back to Port Charles and his senses, but Jacks isn't having any of it. He tells her that this is part of Sonny's grand scheme, since he knows she's a caretaker at heart, and if she gets on that plane, she can forget about marrying him, since she'll probably be back with Sonny in a New York minute!!
Jacks, of course, is absolutely right about everything--and Carly needs to wake up and smell the coffee!
I wouldn't bet the farm on this wedding happening anytime soon--and will be watching to see what happens next on Monday!Stay tuned....
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