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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 26-Dec-2006
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Posting date: | Tue, 26-Dec-2006 1:28:35 PM PDT |
Hi All. Welcome to Terry's Tuesdays. Sorry about last week- too much holiday stress!
Christmas Eve in Port Chuck:
Jason gives Liz Cameron�s toy, and helps her find her bracelet, on the pier. She just wants Cam to be with Lucky this Christmas. Of course, he�s with Maxie at the hospital, getting totally sucked in by her �poor me, I lost my baby� shtick. She�s so working him. He offers her a ride home, she wants to stop by Kelly�s to �face those stairs� (hang on, I need to hurl). He bites.
At the church, after the pageant, Sonny sees Newmanny and freaks out looking for Morgan. He quickly bundles his family off. Colleen has snatched baby Jesus from the manger (bah, humbug) and Nicholas is freaking out. Helena shows her withered face, claiming that it was the nanny who did it, after chaining her to the parapet. Nic blames Helena, Em tries to convince him it was crazy Colleen, Helena denies involvement, the fuzz arrives, Mac arrests Helena briefly, but finally, Nic is convinced. He tells Mac to let Helena go, and then banishes her from his sight. He knows that somehow �Helena is behind this�, and she will lead them right to Spencer. Colleen has the baby on a plane to Denver.
At Carly�s, the family arrives back, but Sonny cuts out to �take care of something�.
Jason takes Liz to Kelly�s, and then goes home. Alexis, Sam and Christina show up for ice cream. Alexis is chowing down everything in site. Major munchies, dude. She�s got her appetite back, thanks to the �herb superb�. Liz was waiting to invite her ex to Christmas, but he shows up hand in hand with Maxie, who�s so sweet it makes my teeth hurt. Poor grieving almost mommy (not!). Liz says she�s sorry for the loss, and scrams outta there. Maxie plays drama queen by the stairs, and Lucky falls for it, hook, line and sinker. She has him by the short and fuzzies. And then, that present to him, the cowboy hat. Oh, sick. Is everyone ready to vomit?
Sonny calls Jason at home, and they meet up at the churchyard to stick a gun into NewManny. They�re about to drag him off to some unmarked gravesite, when the priest stops them and explains that he is Manny�s twin brother, and a man of the cloth. Apparently, he has references, which Sonny and Jason vow to check out. Any discrepancies will earn him a fast ticket to deadsville. NewManny wants to make amends for his brother�s crimes. Yeah, right.
Jason goes home, and Sam overhears him on the phone with Stan. He vows never to let anyone hurt her, and he gives her a replacement star necklace. Sonny goes back to Carly�s to make Christmas with the boys. She insists that she�ll still marry Jax when he gets back, but it looks like she�s trying to convince herself. She wants him, bad!
Colleen�s on the plane, telling Spencer to start calling her mommy.
Helena�s on the phone making plans to steal her great-grandson off Colleen, before Nic finds them.