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General Hospital Update for Friday, 29-Dec-2006

Author: kscornell
Posting date: Sat, 30-Dec-2006 11:20:51 AM PDT

Whew! I can't believe that this is the last update for me in 2006--and how fitting that it's for the last show of the year. And what a show it was!
It's New Year's Eve in Port Charles, and everyone's busily making plans. Sam is planning a romantic New Year's Eve for herself and Jason--which isn't helped when Spinelli shows up on her doorstep again. It seems that Spinelli was trying to go home to Grandma in Tennessee, but the bad weather held him up.
Jsaon, on the other hand, is over at the coffee warehouse in Sonny's office talking with Sonny. He notices that changes have been made and Sonny tells him that's because Carly went crazy redecorating, because she thought that would bring in more customers.
Jason has imho one of the classic lines of the year at this point, when he says "We don't WANT customers!!" Duhh!! He also asks Sonny if he thinks that he would be a good father, and they talk about how the mob life can be bad for kids, but Sonny wouldn't not have kids for anything, yada yada.
Lucky is locking up Kelly's for Mike. As he's getting ready to lock the doors and put the closed sign up, he looks back and remembers some of the romantic moments he had with Liz this year, before everything went wrong. A very bittersweet moment--made more complicated when Maxie shows up at the last minute.
Maxie is now also stranded due to the weather, which means that she and Lucky have the place to themselves. She tells Lucky that all she wanted to do is go dancing at a club to lose herself in a song--to forget what happened this year.
One thing leads to another, and we see them dancing in each other's arms to a slow song on the jukebox.
Patrick and Robin are also together tonight. Robin plans to nest at Patrick's new apartment, but he has other plans. Since the place is still pretty empty, Patrick is dressing for a night at the Metro Court--and tells Robin that he hopes they can still rent his old room.
Robin says she'll "work her magic"--and she comes darn close. She goes over to her place and brings over a truckload of stuff, including an airmattress, a lamp and much more.
Patrick is soon a believer, and the happy couple is seeing 2007 in tucked snugly in their bed on the air mattress, drinking champagne out of styrofoam cups.
Meanwhile, over at GH, Liz is working the PM shift when a woman in active labor is brought in with her husband. During the initial examination, she tells Liz that her husband's best friend, not her husband,is the father of her baby and she would appreciate it if that fact didn't get out if possible.
Things go from bad to worse, unfortunately, and the baby develops cardiac problems. A blood transfusion is required. Obviously, this is hitting home for Liz, who pictures herself in the wife's hospital bed after Jason and Lucky find out about her baby. At the same time, the wife's husband and best friend were standing there finding out the same thing!
It's too much for Liz, and she has to leave the room. It only gets worse for her. On the way home, she gets into a car accident, and she collapses in the snow, as she tries to get out of her vehicle. So the upshot is that this bad fantasy could soon become reality!
Finally, Sonny and Carly. Carly and the boys are spending New Year's Eve at home, and are planning a party in front of the TV, when the doorbell rings. It's yet another GH pair looking for shelter in the storm: Alcazar, Skye and baby Lilarae.
Alcazar explains that their car is stuck in the mud and their driver is trying to pull it out. They're dressed for a night on the town, and how Lilarae fits in, I'll never know, but Carly lets them in to take care of the baby.
She has a great scene with Skye, where she basically tells her to watch it with Alkie, and Skye gives it right back to her, saying they're both cut from the same cloth and are a lot alike, blah blah....
Anyway, they get on the road, and Michael calls Sonny, saying that New Year's is going to be boring and can he come over to save things? This was after Carly got a call from Jax, saying that he was going somewhere else to save Jerry's carcass, but we couldn't tell where.
Sonny winds up at Carly's place, and winds up giving Carly a New Year's kiss!! (On the cheek!!)
And with that, I will see you in 2007. Have a safe, prosperous, happy New Year!!
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