Daily Updates

General Hospital Update for Friday, 5-Jan-2007

Author: kscornell
Posting date: Sun, 07-Jan-2007 7:05:54 AM PDT

Happy New Year! And welcome to my first update for 2007. As always, the year is going to be full of excitement and surprises in Port Charles.
We start off at GH, where Alexis has just finished a grueling chemo session. It's so bad that she can barely stand afterwards. Liz sees her and offers to get her a wheelchair, but Alexis says thanks, but no thanks. Her bad luck gets even worse when Ric pops up and offers to take her home.
Now Alexis is definately having none of that, because she tells Ric that she's on to him; knowing that he will use this in court to get full custody of Molly. Determined, she leaves GH on her own power.
Things are also getting ready to heat up in mobland. A serious war is brewing between the Sonny/Jason and Alcazar crime syndicates. Sonny and Jason have grabbed one of Alcazar's shipments, and you know where that one's going to lead!
Alcazar is getting ready for battle. He's hired some sort of a hit woman to go over to Sonny's coffee warehouse to case the joint and has made financial arrangements for Skye and Lila Raye. He's also booked airline tickets for them to Switzerland.
Skye is scared, but she's having none of it. She tells Alkie that she made a commitment to him and will do everything to keep their family together--so she's staying.
Carly is busy sticking her nose in things that aren't any of her concern, as usual. She goes to GH to tell Liz to stay away from Jason, as he and Sam are trying to have a baby. Liz tells her that Jason had asked her to marry him when he thought her baby could be his--and Sam heard every word. (She was eavesdropping in a corner).
Meanwhile, Sam goes home and makes preparations for a romantic dinner with Jason at their place, when there's a knock on the door. Surprise, it's Carly!! And naturally, she's full of advice for her...
Sam also hears that Alexis is not doing well, and leaves to go see her mother at the Lake house. She arranges for the girls to go on a playdate. When they leave, she makes Alexis take the joints that Spinelli first gave her.
Alexis breaks down and smokes one, and is feeling better when Ric knocks at the door. They get rid of the joint but the smell is still lingering when he tries to talk Alexis into giving him custody, blah blah.
Meanwhile, on to Emily and Nick and their search for Spencer. They are still in Denver and have figured out that even though Colleen got a generous severance when she left the Cassadines, she will eventually have to go back to work. They've figured out that she will be doing what she knows, which is childcare, and start visiting the daycare centers in Denver. They have actually stumbled on the center that she's working at, with Spencer there as a client! The crazy nanny doesn't know this yet...
Things are heating up at the coffee warehouse. Alkie's hit woman is still there, when Alcazar comes in. He's frisked by Max and Milo, before the hitwoman creates a diversion and drops a gun, which he picks up.
He goes into Sonny's office and points a gun at him. Carly chooses this time to barge in and is just in time to see Sonny shoot Alcazar!! Talk about bad timing!! We'll have to wait till Monday to see how this one plays out....
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