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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 1-Feb-2007
Author: |
mdsnbelle |
Posting date: | Fri, 02-Feb-2007 11:53:06 AM PDT |
In case, like me, you've found yourself fast-forwarding the first three or four minutes of GH lately because, well, it's all the same, I'm pleased to announce that TPTB have actually decided to jazz it up a bit and add music. And slo-mo. I'm digging the slo-mo.
Today brought us hour 12. Mr. Craig and company actually kicked off the "robbery." Lots of people did stupid things trying to save the group including Liz making a phone call. Mr. Craig tried to beat her down, but Nicholas got the brunt of that.
Carly swore she recognized Craig's voice and tried to engage him in a contest of wits about giving up her engagement ring from Jax. He ended up taking it, but he didn't get Laura's ring, which Lulu had the forethought to stuff down her cleavage. Carly then tried to rip the mask off and got a gun in the face. Not to worry, she backed down before she could get hurt. Sonny used the distraction to get to the assistant manager to learn what Alcazar had put in the vault. Just a briefcase, he said.
Alcazar had a headache, and Patrick guilted him into staying in the hospital for an operation. He told Skye that the super-secret code needed to be entered into the briefcase within 24 hours. Unfortunately, Al passed out before he could give her the super-secret code.
Patrick then realized what an idiot he had been about the HIV test and called Robin to tell her that he was taking another one. "Tonight." Which means that sometime in the next 12 hours, he's going to be distracted and forget all about it.
When did Bobbie have nothing else to do than meddle in Carly's life? Which, of course, she did again today by asking Jason to -- actually, I'm not sure what she was trying to accomplish. In one breath, it sounded like she wanted Carly with Sonny; in the other it sounded like Jax was the best idea. With Scotty and Noah back, I'm itching for TPTB to give her something better to do. Or, like, someone. Actually, she did have dinner with Scotty and Kelly's. She wore a cute dress and filled him in on the Laura Situation -- at least the part that the hospital hadn't filled him in on. Hey, random thought...if Scotty's running around PC, where the heck is Serena. College???
Agents "Three" and "Five" took Maxie into the vault. She begged them not to kill her, half of Port Charles (most of the folks in the room, actually) hoped they wouldn't listen. Instead, the three started raiding the vault for Al's briefcase. Then, Sam got to the button and locked Maxie and "Three" in for 12 hours. I can see where this is going...Maxie will probably end up a) falling in love with her captor or b) having a heart attack. Either way, typical Maxie. I did enjoy the exchange where Maxie was freaking out and "Three" was telling her that she was being an idiot. "Three's" a lot of fun, and a pretty smart guy. They should keep him around.
Jason, Mac, and the rest of the PCPD showed up and began their (apparently) 12 hour saga of hanging around the outside presumably not doing anything since they're in the same position at the start of the whole thing. Jason did call Spinelli, and together, they figured out that Al stashed something "priceless" in the vault. wasn't a MasterCard.
Scotty and Luke sniped at each other outside of the hotel. According to Luke, if anyone is going to bring Laura daisies, it's going to be Luke. Just so we know that.
Craig ("Fun One") started playing the name game by throwing a pencil holder around the room. Anyone who dropped the it or hesitated got shot. Manager dude (Marty McFarty) hesitated and didn't get shot, but after Sonny played, Craig stopped the game and shot Robin (Jobbin Robin). Somehow, I don't think that was random, but we're going to have to tune in tomorrow to be sure!