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General Hospital Update for Monday, 5-Feb-2007
Author: |
jackie |
Posting date: | Mon, 05-Feb-2007 4:07:40 PM PDT |
General Hospital exudes a time of terror and panic as the hostage leader Daniel, oops, I mean James Craig takes over.He's no 007, but he can frighten others with his quick wit,mind games, and the ability to make these hostages squirm. As Emily, Carly, Max, Sam, Liz, Sonny, the priest,LuLU, Nicolas and others try to stop a wounded Robin's bleeding, they realize that Robin may very well die without an operation. Also, Allan appears to have had a heart attack. Elizabeth and Emily try to help Allan who is in pain and weak. He has definite signs of a heart attack.Mr. Craig insists on their playing musical chairs sooo he moves his captives around. He asks that they refrain from talking, etc.
Outside, Luke is ,as usual, impatient with Mac and Ric's strategies. A fiesty Luke tells his son Lucky to let him go in. Luke knows the lay out of the Metro Court. Lucky says NO, it's too risky. When the defiant Luke grabs a SWAT suit to wear, Lucky has to ask the cute Rodrigus to arrest him.There is no sign of Miss Maxie today. One can surmise that she is still in the vault. Apparently, the whole lobby of this fine hotel is rigged with explosives.Sonny tries several times to do damage control. He stands up to Craig , and tries to make some deals. Craig seems to like Emily sooooooo. He comes on to her with suggestive remarks which make a usually calm Nic irate. Em relieves Liz as she struggles to help her sick Dad Allan.She is beside herself with worry about her dad and Robin.
Patrick operates on Alcazar with his dad's assistance. HE isn't too focused because Robin is definitely on his mind. He thinks the op has been successful so he takes off to save his lovely Robin. He is going to try to get into that Metro Court. IS DR. Drake as stubborn as Luke? Me thinks so. :-)Monica raises H with Skye because she knows that Alcazar has put her spouse Alan and Emily in danger. Jason is working with the teen computer geek to figure out how he too can get in there to overtake these cold blooded bad guys. Skye is definitely caught in the middle here. When Lorenzo awakes, she and Jason asks him for the code to whatever lies in the safe. A weak Lorenzo has forgotten the code. As you fans can see , GH is in a perilous situation so stay tuned tomorrow to see what happens. This is ,indeed, an exciting, riveting, time in Port Charles. PS An angry Sam pulls off Craig's ski mask. This is not a good move .