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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 20-Feb-2007

Author: tadams
Posting date: Sat, 24-Feb-2007 6:15:09 PM PDT

Poor Robin is in ER, waiting for surgery. She'll need to have the bullet, duct tape and fishing line removed. Patrick is gushing all over her. Meanwhile, at the MC, search and rescue is in full swing. The hostages stagger out of the wreckage, bodies are carried out (all expendables though, just like those guys who wear the red shirts in Star Trek). Luke breaks free and rushes in to find his missing daughter in the rubble.
Liz finally spills the beans to Jason about the baby's paternity. He offers to marry her again, in between banging on the buried elevator and screaming for help. Carly and Sonny win the standoff with Craig; he runs out empty handed and Sonny hands over the Equinox to Lansing. Skye shows up to say that Lorenzo remembered the code (which is the wrong one). Sonny gives Ric the real code, but Ric isn't buying. So the bonehead enters the wrong code and destroys the contents of the case. No evidence. Skye and Ric understand each other.
Alan lays dying a long and excrutiating death at GH. Tracy visits, then Monica, then Nic and Em (nice dust and rubble ensemble- good look for them). Spinelli gets dragged out of the wreckage against his will. He's inconsolable about losing Lulu. Dillon shows up, then Milo. All three gents have their briefs in a knot about the Blonde One. Good thing Dillon speaks "spinelli". So Lulu has three guys rivalling for her affections. This could get good.
Robin gets wheeled into surgery, and Luke carries the gravely injured Lulu to the street. Very nice last shot of the two of them in the doorway. Nice film work!
Check out Cornell's Corner for all the Friday facts.
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