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General Hospital Update for Wednesday, 28-Feb-2007
Author: |
jackie |
Posting date: | Wed, 28-Feb-2007 3:50:32 PM PDT |
Jax is back from Russia, and he is not feeling good about Carly's sleeping with "her Sonny."Infact, I am not certain that he will forgive her.Jax has some choice words of hurt and so forth as he hears Carly's feeble reasons. This knight in shining armor also goes to help his buddy Alexis. He will do anything to help her. Alexis tells Jax about her getting caught smoking pot. She tells how Spagetti, oops,I mean Spinelli helped her to get this medicinal weed.Jax is half way smiling. ok/ She smoked that stuff!Mr Jasper Jax tells the Mayor and Ric to get their act together and to drop the custody suit for baby Molly. Ric goes to see Alexis who is still furious with him. Ric says: " Let's settle this outside the courtroom." Alexis will not agree to this. She says: " IF you do this, Your political future is over."
A hurtful scene takes place between whiny Liz and Jason. She tries to comfort Jason because he is grieving for Alan. Yet, with unfairness and tears ,she begs him to walk away from the baby and let Lucky think that it is his." Liz, don't you think this is a very sefish thing to ask of a heartbroken man?" Jason sheds these tears because he left his dad Alan after the wreck. HE became a stranger to Alan.(an aside: I literally cried when Alan died on Monday. He is one person I have admired for years. GH will not be the same without his prudence, stories at Christmas, etc.)Lulu comes home with Luke and finds Scott chatting with Leslie. HE becomes irate and tells Scott to get out. LuLu wants to know why there is animosity between them. She tells Dillon that she thinks that Scottie had something to do with Rick Webber's demise.
Carly and Jax discuss Alan's death with little Michael An Aside: Michael is soooooo cute. He's growing up. :-)Death to a child is a puzzle so Carly does a great job of explaining.Michael wants to know if not crying for his granddad is wrong.People grieve in different ways....
Monica gets some jabs from Tracy,but she does tell Monica that Allan did love her with all his heart. Monica speaks fondly of Jason's staying with her last night. She shares stories with sweet Em about her times with Alan. It is somber but meaningful to Emily who is devastated . Alan, to her was" her dad."I have never seen such a dysfunctional family, but they do pull together in a crisis. IT was great to see Ned today.
Let's all tune in tomorrow to hear the Memorial plans for our beloved Alan.