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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 6-Mar-2007

Author: tadams
Posting date: Tue, 06-Mar-2007 5:32:54 PM PDT

Only one story today; Alan's memorial. Lila's was much more moving, because she died in real life. It's kind of hard to feel moved when we know that Stuart is at home watching his own funeral in his bath robe and fuzzy slippers, crying in his bag of Fritos and bucket of Hagen Das. Yeah, well, it's all showbiz, right?
So Carly's at home, phoning Jax, when Sonny shows up and tries to play the 'grieving Micheal' card. They leave (nice suit, Micheal!), as Jax sits on the other end of the unaswered phone, fuming.
The Quartermaines reprise every dysfunctional brawl they've ever had. Tracy's fangs are showing. She chews up Monica, snipes at Ned, and practically eviscerates Skye when she shows up with the almost brain-dead Lorenzo. Finally, Edward breaks her down with "arming yourself with anger is a good way to ward off pain". Then the old geiser goes on about how he's glad that Lila is gone, she's spared the loss, she'll help Alan now...and Tracy's pit bull veneer begins to crack.
Meanwhile, the Spencer clan gets ready: Luke, Lulu, Nic, Lucky, Leslie, Bobby..the whole Fam Damily. Luke and Nicolas have a touching moment when Luke offeres to help with Helena, because he "owes" Nic for his handling of the Laura thing.
Jason's having flashbacks. Liz arrives and comforts him, saying that Alan lives on in this baby (that's cold comfort for Stone Cold). Liz lets him feel the baby kick. Oh the angst!
So, the big show gets on the road. Dillon has the letter that names Baldwin as the killer. He slips it to Lulu. Alexis and Jax have a chat. The Corinthos clan arrives and Micheal pays his respects to Grandma Monica. Ford, Epiphany and Noah Drake arrive. Noah and Monica have a nice little moment (hey, wait! The body's not cold yet! Get your meat hooks offa her!) Robin and Patrick arrive. She's in a wheelchair. Tracy needs a drink and starts sucking it back. Ned tries to reason with her, to get some bitch-control happening. The old nag can't abide Skye crashing the memorial and starts freaking out.
It's a big brawl in the foyer. Meanwhile, Monica talks to Jason in the study about Alan's favorite chair. Luke shows up and tells Tracy she's entitled to express her grief any way she wants to. Scott shows up and Bobby keeps Luke from pounding him (remember when Bobby pretended to be pregnant with Scott's baby? 1975?)
So, Jason escorts Monica in and holds her hand. Ned does the eulogy. What a great montage they put together! Was Stuart Damon ever that young and thin?? Now he's a couch potato, crying in his chip dip. What has the world come to?

Thanks, Cornell, for your kind compliments. I love your Friday updates!
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