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General Hospital Update for Monday, 12-Mar-2007

Author: jackie
Posting date: Mon, 12-Mar-2007 4:32:48 PM PDT

Love VS War can be the motif for today's General Hospital.Carly is certainly in the triangle with Jax and Sonny. Me thinks she doth protest too much. HA She tells both men that she can't afford to be with either right now. Jax and Sonny ,being the macho men they are, look absolutely flabbergasted. You go, Carly! Earlier, Carly asks Sonny to go with her to get the divorce. Sonny says: "NO". He will fight for her because she's worth it.He says that during the Metro Court crisis he realized how much he truly loved and needed her. Jax, on the other hand, tells Carly that he is not ready to let her go soooooo.What is this poor girl to do?
The judge rules in favor of Ric's gaining full custody of Molly. The judge says: "Possession and usage of a controlled substance in NY state is illegal .. not infidelity." HUN? What about the moral issue? Alexis is ,of course, crushed. Nicolas offers to help her and the girls to sneak away unlawfully, but I think Alexis plans an appeal.She packs Molly's clothes for just a few days, discusses why Molly must leave with Ric to Kristina, etc. This was ,indeed, a sad moment. Yet, Ric says: " I did not want to hurt Alexis.'Ric feels in his heart that he can take better care of his baby girl. Alexis says: "Will you take her on a morning walk, go to her when she cries during the night,etc."? Of course, he will have a nanny too.Alexis says: "I smoked pot for medicinal reasons."
Spinelli and Dillon are getting on LuLu's last nerve sooooooo she asks them to leave as Luke saunters in.LuLU wants to know what her mom Laura saw in this man? Then, she wants to know how she will know when she's in love. Luke tells her how much he loved Laura from day one. Later one finds that this new cute, but strange guy is following LuLu and listening to her and Dillon's conversation on the waterfront. LuLu insists that they not tell Luke or anyone about the letter, Scott's killing Rick Webber, etc. This new, weird guy takes it all in. Does he know Scott? LULU does not want her dad to go ballistic and kill Scott. Oh, but.. at the courthouse, Scott talks to that female judge about petitioning to serve as Laura's guardian. Luke overhears this, gives Scott a black eye, and gets hauled off to ,I guess, jail.WoW! These Love AND WAr games are heating up sooooooooo Please tune in tomorrow so you will not miss all the suspense and fun On MY FAV soap, GH.
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