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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 13-Mar-2007

Author: tadams
Posting date: Tue, 13-Mar-2007 4:14:45 PM PDT

Well, last week there was only one story. Today, we're all over the place. The story lines are bouncing around like a beachball at a rock concert.
So Luke is busted at the PCPD for clocking Baldwin at the courthouse. Tracy won't bail him out. Why should she ante up so Luke and Scott can continue to fight over Laura? Luke threatens to spill the beans about the doctored will. Alan's ghost shows up and tells sis that she'll always be second best, and that he's stuck in pergatory because of her greed. Tracy is talking to a filing cabinet, and Luke is ready to call the men in white coats with the butterfly net.
Sonny's in his office with Stan, talking about forcing Alcazar out of buisiness in Port Chuck. Corinthos wants to sieze Lorenzo's warehouses because his "brains are scrambled" and he's vulnerable. Meanwhile, Skye tells Lorenzo (in hospital) about the problem with his shipments. She's sure Sonny is behind it and she's going to "take care of him"
Spinelli shows up at Sonny's coffee lobby. He tells Milo (or tries to) about the competition between him and Stan for Sonny's patronage. Lulu arrives with Dillon, and there's a hilarious moment when all 3 suitors fall all over each other trying to pull out her chair. She tells them all that they have to keep a lid on the Baldwin murder thing. If her dad finds out that Scott killed Webber, he'll kill him, and she'll lose her dad too.
Alexis is at home with Christina, promising to bring Molly home soon. Cut to Ric trying to feed his daughter, and she's howling (how did they get that baby to cry on cue?). Ric can't handle her. Later, Alexis and Christina arrive at Daddy Ric's new place. She gets upset when he talks about a pony. She tells him she'll be cancer free by year end, but it's all for naught. He won't budge on the custody. Alexis leaves, and Molly is crying again.
Maxie and Cooper are in the MC lobby (under renovation) and Logan comes skulking around like the slime-ball we know he's going to be. He asks Coop about Lulu and tells the Rick Webber murder mystery that he overheard. Maxie hears that, and spills the whole history.
Carly's in her office when Jax comes in. She only wants to talk business, and there is "no us". She's really giving him the cold shoulder. Bobby is talking to Scott at GH, asking him to drop the charges against her brother. Baldwin won't budge until Bobby asks him what he thinks Laura would want. They both go to the PCPD, where Luke and Scott get into it again. Luke calls him a colossal jackass. Mac tells them that fighting won't bring Laura back.
Scott tells Luke that they're both ex-husbands, and on equal footing, legally. Baldwin wants legal guardianship of the catatonic Laura.
Cut to Sonny and Stan in the office. Skye barges in and tries to strong-arm Sonny to back off her man. She's the new mob boss in 'neurological absentia'. Wanna bet he's faking? Ya, we know he's pulling our legs. Sonny tells Skye that she's in way over her head and throws her out.
Jax and Carly arrive in the lobby of the Metrocourt where Maxie, Cooper and Logan are chatting. Logan asks for work. Carly flat out flirts with Cooper to make Jax jealous. After she leaves, Logan spews his guts about Baldwin being the murderer. The scheming Maxie figures out a great idea! Let's blackmail Baldwin, and make him think it's Lulu doing it!
Then there's this whole 'marble' business. Carly orders a marble counter. She can't get the marble. Sonny arranged to be the sole supplier. Sonny shows up at Carly's office about the marble. (Sweeps week must be over. They're fishing for story lines today).
Alexis is at home with Christina. She's a wreck as she leaves for the hospital and her chemo. Ric and Molly have a sincere moment. Scott runs into Lulu at the coffe shop and she tears a strip off him. "You'll pay for what you did!" Skye is back at the hospital with Lorenzo. She'll protect his interests if he gets some rest. After she's gone, the phone rings. Oh ya, you guessed it! The sly dog is faking. He's lying low as he plans to go for Sonny's jugular.
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