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General Hospital Update for Monday, 19-Mar-2007
Author: |
jackie |
Posting date: | Mon, 19-Mar-2007 2:41:46 PM PDT |
MOnday/ Monday is almost an ordinary day on General Hospital.While Carly is cozying up to Sonny at Jake's BAr, Jax and Amelia, the new tv reporter, walk in.Carly and Sonny are about to kiss. Carly says: "I love you Sonny, but I can't marry you soooooooo." What else is new? This confused damsel in distress calls her knight- in -shining armor, Jason ,to come "save her."Jason tells both men to leave since this whole scenario is driving his gal pal bonkers.OF course, JAX is trying to tickle Carly's jealousy bone.Jason tells Carly that she must choose. Amennnnnnnnn
Meanwhile,, AN angry, frustrated LuLu tries to tell Lucky about Liz's baby, and Liz walks in. Elizabeth says:" Sometimes the truth can hurt more or whatever."
A nervous Sam receives a certified letter addressed to someone else named ? Monroe with a picture and news article of her with a man. She throws it into the fire. Who is this mysterious person who is trying to shake Sam up?Does Amelia have the goods on Sam's sordid past? Perhaps this is why she is following all people who have known Sam fairly well.
Craig, the leading meanie of the Metro Court disaster, has given Nicholas poison. HE demands that Nic help him to change his identity or he will let him die this agonizing death. Finally, Nic pleads for his life,and Craig gives him the much-needed antidote. Nicolas tries to settle by offering millions to help the evil Craig to escape. Craig tells Nic that he wants a new identity by doing business with him. Sooooooooo Craig doesn't plan to disappear.
The mayor of Port Charles tells Ric to get on the ball with his bringing Lorenzo in for the crime at the Metro.He says: "The city council and I need to see some action on your part."Soo is Ric's job in jeopardy?
As Amelia enters Jax's abode for a little drink, a vampish Carly is waiting for him. HA Let the fun continue with Jax and his questionable fiance.
Maxie, Logan, and Cooper play around as Scott looks at his text message which names him as Rick Webber's killer. These three are trying to blackmail Scott Baldwin. An irate Scott goes to see LuLu to stop this little game. As voices rise, Logan walks in to defend LuLu. She asks him to leave . HE goes to tell Maxie and Coop to leave LuLu out of this mess. Maxie raves about how Lulu has hurt everyone, and wonders what's up with Logan's wanting to protect little MIss SUNSHINE.Why is Logan interested in Scott?
Ric goes to GH to pick up a weak Alexis who reminds him of her plan to get Molly back. She doesn't want to go with him, but she's too weak to fuss too much. Tune in tomorrow to continue the GH saga.