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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 20-Mar-2007

Author: tadams
Posting date: Tue, 20-Mar-2007 4:25:12 PM PDT

I'm such a bonehead. So sorry, I forgot to change my VCR to daylight savings, so all I got was an hour of Oprah. D'Oh!
Well, I did catch the last few minutes after work
Nic ditches Emily so she won't get involved with the Mr. Craig new identity business. Wouldn't it be funny if Helena swoops in and saves his butt? Lulu and Jason talk about his baby, and she tries to come to terms about keeping the secret from her brother. Sam is about to come clean about something (probably the Angela Monroe buiness) with Jason. Alexis and Sonny have a nice little visit at the lakehouse; aren't they getting along nicely. Tracy continues to be haunted by the ghost of Alan Q. It's great to the the old guy getting some work. It's Tracy who's blackmailing Sam, and ethereal Alan calls her on it. Emily goes home to mommy.
To my faithful readers, please forgive my slip-up because I'm such a bonehead. Next Tuesday will be in all the glorious detail.
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