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General Hospital Update for Friday, 6-Apr-2007

Author: kscornell
Posting date: Sun, 08-Apr-2007 8:56:26 AM PDT

And the beat goes on in Port Charles! Michael's scheming is proof that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, Mr. Craig is still stirring the pot and Lucky is heading for a fall. What else is new?
We start with Sonny-Carly and Michael's matchmaking. As the curtain rises, Carly is getting ready for her big date with Jacks. They're planning a romantic dinner date in Montreal, but Michael has other plans.
He's cooking up a plan to reunite his parents and isn't giving anything away, except to Morgan. All we know is, that the garage has something to do with it!
Michael goes over to Sonny's office and tells his dad to invite Carly to dinner, tell her that she's pretty and then ask to take him back. Although it's a very sweet idea, Sonny tells him why he can't do that--but later has a change of heart.
He goes over to Carly's house to tell her that despite Stan's objections, he's calling off the strike at the Metrocourt. And because of this, and to show that there are no hard feelings, can he take Carly out to dinner?
Carly tells him that she's getting ready for her big date with Jacks and Sonny tells her to cancel. No luck.
Michael swings into Plan B. He calls Sonny at his office to tell him that something bad has happened to Morgan. Sonny runs right over, and Carly runs with him down into the garage--when Michael locks the door! And then Jacks rings the doorbell!! Ooops!!!
On to Liz and Lucky. Liz decides she wants to find out the sex of her baby and has an ultrasound with Lucky also there. However, the baby didn't get into position so the sex couldn't be determined.
Lucky is fawning all over Liz as usual (glad I don't have diabetes!) and this latest round happens right in front of Jason at GH, who's there to fix a leg wound from a fall off his motorbike.
Jason is suffering over the decision to keep the secret that he is Liz's baby's daddy. It's killing him inside--and Sam knows that something is wrong. She thinks that it's delayed grief over Alan's death, but as we know that's not the case.
Lulu also tries to warn Lucky, but is convinced that ruining his happiness would be a disaster; especially when he says his life is the best it's ever been!
She goes running over to Jason's place to beg him not to tell Liz--but this was after Spinelli told him that the baby would eventually find out and would think that he didn't want him!
On to the latest doings with Mr. Craig. Alexis pays him a visit to thank him for helping when she passed out at Windemere. Knowing him as Mr. Brosnan, she semi-flirts with him; dropping the contents of her purse on the floor in the process.
As he helps her pick up, Craig/Brosnan notices the drugs in her purse and then Alexis talks about being arrested for smoking pot after chemo. She leaves one pill bottle behind, and Craig goes to her place to return it--just when Ric is chewing her out for passing out in the first place!
Guess we'll have to wait till Monday to see what happens!
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