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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 10-Apr-2007

Author: tadams
Posting date: Tue, 10-Apr-2007 5:55:15 PM PDT

Howdy, Y'all (that's my Craig impersonation). Sorry about last Tuesday; I was out of town.

I think I'm going to go into a self-induced coma if we don't get some excitement going in Port Charles. Luke and Tracy pitching woo makes me slightly nauseous. Thank goodness the ghostly Alan breaks that up. Tracy spews her guilty conscience, Edward tapes the confession, they make a deal, she gets the tape back (yawn).
The 3 stooges (Milo, Dillon and Spinelli) are mildly more interesting. There's a big broo ha ha involving a pistol with Lulu at Jason's. Then another scene at the coffe shop. All 3 trying to win Lulu's affection; it's a tornado of teen testosterone. Carly and Sonny do the yes/no dance some more, while scolding Micheal for locking them in the basement. Amelia pretends there's hanky panky going on with her and Jax. Liz begs Jason not to spill the baby beans (again). Oh, these tired old story lines- Lucky and Sam trapped in the lift. She knows, he doesn't. Will she spew? How may people will spew their guts while trapped in an elevator? Port Chuck must have the worst elevator maintenance in the world.
I do kinda like this Craig/Alexis romance thing, just because it's so twisted. He takes her to the hospital, watches Kristina, meets Patrick and scares the bejesus out of Robin. Later, Robin warns Craig that he'll be recognized, and Craig threatens Nicholas some more. And what's with that Texan accent?? And a bunch of other random happenings:
-Jason bumps into Lorenzo at the MetroCourt, and Alkie drops the brain-dead ruse for a second
-Sam comes home, finds a photo of herself, tears it up and confides in Spinelli
-Jason goes to Sonny about the Lorenzo fake thing
-Some thug confers with Lorenzo about Sonny
-Liz tries to convince Lulu (for the umpteenth time) that she loves Lucky
Yeah, yeah, yada, yada, same old, same old stuff, different day...
You know what we need? A birth in a big storm where the ambulance can't get through. Monica had one way back, Carly had one recently, let's trap Liz in some cabin and dump an avalanche on her.
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