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General Hospital Update for Friday, 13-Apr-2012

Author: View Profile kscornell
Posting date: Sun, 15-Apr-2012 6:51:51 AM PDT

Happy Friday the 13th! And Heather Webber is doing her part to make sure it's an unlucky one in Port Charles! She's baacckk!!
What else happened today? Sonny's trial for vehicular manslaughter is winding down and not a moment too soon for Kate/Connie; Tracy comes clean to Luke about the real reason for her marriage to Anthony; Maxie's STILL not listening to reason, ie, Matt and Spinelli and Johnny and Carly get closer to Josselyn.
Starting off with Heather, she's waiting at GH to see Dr. Keenan at Olivia's urging. Steve, who's starting to see what a nutjob Mommie Dearest REALLY is, is for it and brings Heather to GH after their lunch from Hell at Kelly's.
Heather runs into Sam by the elevators. Still upset that Sam didn't give Steve her letter, she figures out that there's a chance that Sam's baby could be Franco's, and decides to do a little blackmailing. (Heather was always so GOOD at that!).
However, this time, Heather may have met her match! Sam tells her that if she opens her yap, SHE's going to tell Steve about how Heather sold him to Diana Taylor back in the day!! This shuts up Heather--for now. But I really hope she sticks around, as this has been a lot of fun! And Dr. Keenan is going to be doing overtime with Kate and Heather!!
Meanwhile Sonny's trial for vehicular manslaughter in the deaths of Cole and Hope is winding down.
Kate was on the stand and stated her name as Connie Falconeri, but covered by saying that was the name on her birth certificate. It only got worse for her.
During closing arguments, when they were showing the murder weapon, I really thought that Connie was going to have an outburst, but she was able to hold it together--this time.
Tracy and Luke are hanging out at Kelly's, where she is finally coming clean about her marriage to Anthony--if they divorce, Tracy goes to prison for her dealings with Gino Salido and ELQ goes into receivership!
Anthony walks in on them and tells his "Venus" that she is expected to do her wifely duties today (eww) since Cook has the night off!
While this is going on, Matt and Spinelli are trying to help Maxie see the light at the PC Jail. Matt is telling Maxie how much he wants her back in a visitors' room, while Spinelli listens to the conversation outside.
Maxie isn't budging, not even after Spinelli literally falls into the room! She yells for the guard to take her back to her cell, and Matt turns on Spinelli, basically telling him it's all his fault! Poor Spinelli....
Ending up on a happy note, it was nice to see Johnny read Josselyn's favorite book to her: "The Duckling Gets a Cookie!"
What was cute was that he was reading it after she left--maybe he's getting ready for the movie?
Will Heather stir the pot some more (I hope so!!) What will be the verdict in Sonny's trial? Will the duckling get a cookie? Stay tuned!
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