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General Hospital Update for Friday, 27-Apr-2012

Author: View Profile kscornell
Posting date: Fri, 27-Apr-2012 4:47:59 PM PDT

And the legacy characters keep on coming! And all I can say to this character is "what took you so long?"
Lots to report: Maxie's sentencing hearing was today and she had lots of family support: including one member of the family she will be amazed to see; Dante is getting frustrated because he can't reach Lulu--and is starting to realize that something is very wrong; Luke stops Tracy from making a potentially fatal mistake and Liz finds Ewen in his office--after Connie clonked him over the head for old time's sake!
Starting out at the courthouse, we see that it's Maxie's sentencing hearing. All the key players are there: Mac, who is devastated to see Maxie arriving in handcuffs, Alexis, who reads Maxie a letter of support from Robin, written to Kate Howard to help Maxie get her job at Crimson and Spinelli, who shares with her that he thinks that Matt was the one who killed Lisa Niles!
Mac shares with Maxie that he stills sees her as she was at the age of 6 and all through her childhood and is heartbroken.
He tells everyone, including Spinelli and Matt, that what Maxie needs at this point is family. "I quite agree," says FELICIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome BACK, Kristen Malendro!!!!!!!!! Yes, yes, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that Jack Wagner's been voted off Dancing with the Stars, I think that Frisco needs to make an appearance!
Over at the PCPD, Dante is growing increasingly frustrated and worried that he can't reach Lulu. Ronnie suggests that she's probably over at the Courthouse to support Maxie. The only problem is that noone has seen her--and what Dante doesn't know is that Ronnie has her cell phone!
After returning from the wild goose chase that Ronnie sent him on to the courthouse and calling Luke, who said that he hadn't seen Lulu, Dante is becoming convinced that Ronnie is lying. He calls him on it and demands to know where she is. Makes me think that Ronnie really is the dancer attacker!
Luke is over at the Quartermaine mansion while this is going on, and stops Anthony from eating a potentially fatal breakfast in the nick of time--"lovingly" cooked by Tracy.
Anthony leaves, after telling Luke that he better not be there when he gets back. Tracy opens up to her ex and tells Luke that she's so desparate that she would do anything to get rid of Anthony--even cook breakfast! Martha Stewart she ain't!!
Finally, we go to GH, where Liz knocks on Ewen's door, and discovers the shrink lying on the floor in a pool of blood, proof of Connie's handiwork!
She listens to his chest to make sure he's still breathing, and thankfully, he is. But where is Connie??
And while we're on the subject, where is Lulu? And I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see Felicia's first scenes on Monday with Maxie! Stay tuned, we're in for a wild ride!!
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