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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 24-May-2012

Author: View Profile kscornell
Posting date: Sat, 26-May-2012 7:29:58 AM PDT

Sonny's "Dinner with Todd" didn't go quite as he wanted; Luke and Tracy's "Weekend at Anthony's" isn't off to a flying start; Jason gives Monica the lowdown on the baby's parentage; Liv visits Kate at Shadybrook and Heather sticks her nose in everything, AGAIN!! Almost forgot to mention that Johnny is having second thoughts about his actions. Phew, sounds like just a typical busy day in Port C!
Starting off at Sonny's restaurant, we see Todd helping himself to the pasta of the day when Sonny comes in and sits down.
Todd asks Sonny if he's considered his options: that Sonny keep Michael from testifying in Starr's upcoming attempted murder trial and he keeps Kate out of his newspaper, or if Michael testifies, Kate's thrown under the bus in his tabloid.
Sonny tells him that he's voting for Option 3 and pulls out his gun...
Todd says that Kate gets thrown under the bus if something happens to him as well, and even shows him two sample front pages--one implicating Kate and one not. Sonny's clearly frustrated and walks away...
Meanwhile, over at the Quartermaine mansion, Jason is telling Monica about the baby's real father: Franco, including the whole story of how he raped Sam, etc.
Monica is very supportive; reminding Jason of how she at first wanted nothing to do with him after Susan Moore gave birth to him, but started loving him as soon as she held him for the first time. I think that Jason will come around, and this was a good start.
While this was going on, there was a lot happening at the Boat House! Tracy walks in there, pulls a tarp, and is stunned to see a dead Anthony!
While she's cussing out Luke for what she thinks is a botched job, Luke comes in and tells her that he didn't do it--and then they hear Padilla and a uniformed cop coming close!
Since Luke is the fastest thinker on the planet, they are able to get Anthony's body out of there before the cops come in. But things are going to get dicey, fast.
Padilla bends down to the floor and discovers a drop of blood. Even though they were sent to check out a report of gunshots on the property, these two gumshoes aren't leaving anytime soon!
Luke and Tracy go to Plan B, dragging Anthony over to the deck, making it look like he's sleeping and having a fake conversation when the cops come back. (Didn't work on I Love Lucy and it won't work now!)
Padilla and the cop were called away, so Luke and Tracy were literally saved by the bell...
Moving on to Shadybrook, Olivia is visiting Kate in a show of Falconeri support. Kate is clearly a mess and tells Liv that she's the only family she has.
Kate also tells her cousin about Connie's possibly shooting out Anthony's tires, leading to the deaths of Cole and Hope.
What she doesn't realize is that Connie was framed by Johnny, who now has a lot to answer for.
He opens his door to Carly, who sees that Johnny is feeling remorseful. He tells her that he's sorry for sleeping with Connie and having her walk in on them, but Carly sees that something else is going on and asks what else he has done. (How about killing Anthony for starters?)
And what episode would be the same without a visit from Heather? She visits Monica at the Q's mansion and gets thrown out, before telling her "I was once the Mistress of this house!!" and promptly gets into it with Sam at Kelly's; telling Steve that she was invited to Sam's Babyshower and she's going to give the baby fingerpaints!!! (because of Franco, get it??) I'm loving it!!!
Will Jason and Sam get back together? Will Luke and Tracy find a place to stash Anthony? Will Johnny deal with his demons? Stay tuned!
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