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General Hospital Update for Friday, 15-Mar-2013

Author: View Profile kscornell
Posting date: Wed, 20-Mar-2013 6:56:23 PM PDT

Did I say that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree? Todd wants Carly, and won't stop at anything to get her back; Lucy's got the cash for the Nurses' Ball, but we're really not quite sure how she got it and AJ and Carly are scheming. Almost forgot to mention that it looks like Rafe and McBain might be roomies!
Starting off with Todd, we see that he's brought donuts to Carly's house, but she's not that into sugar. (ya think???) He tries to lure AJ out of his hiding space, but no AJ.
After Carly kicks him out, she opens the door to a gigantic Easter Bunny bearing gifts. Thinking that it's Todd again, Carly pulls off the bunny's head, but is horrified to see a very irate delivery person!
After Carly gives him a huge tip, the deliveryman meets Todd at the Floating Rib. Turns out that Todd hired him, and has smuggled a camera in the bunny's stomach--making it easier for him to check up on his favorite blonde!
On to Lucy. She's at GH, rallying the troops (Liz, Sabrina and Felix) for the Nurses' Ball.
Everyone gently tries to tell her, after she's gone on about the fabulous plans they are making, that since there are no dollars in the kitty, there's not going to be any ball!
Lucy begs to differ, and shows off a check she's received from an anonymous donor. But what I want to know is, doesn't the donor have to sign the check before it can go thru? Just sayin'...
Meanwhile, Liz is being kept busy with the Nurses Ball meeting and telling AJ to go suck an egg. He's at GH waiting for Ellie to be hypnotized by Kevin, so she can remember the Pickle Lila recipe that Spinelli ate. (Trust me, you had to be there...)
AJ is begging Liz for the umpteenth time to take him back, when Carly calls his cell, demanding that he come to her house now!
He gets there, and talks to Carly about their plan and about terms--all while Todd is watching thru bunny vision!!
Finally, Rafe. He comes to John's motel room and it's clear that he's been beaten up. He tells McBain that that's exactly what happened and that caused him to leave the group home.
Sam and Molly join them and alternatives for Rafe are being discussed and John tells Rafe that he will never have to go back there again!
Will Rafe and John be roomies? Will the Nurses Ball happen? Will Carly and AJ's cover be blown? Stay tuned!
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