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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 7-Nov-2013

Author: View Profile kscornell
Posting date: Wed, 13-Nov-2013 7:54:18 AM PDT

Franco's art show is the hottest ticket in Port Charles--and the drama's already gone down!Carly and Ava have already had one cat fight, and from the looks of things, more are going to follow.
What else happened today? Sonny has figured out that he has been betrayed--and is crushed to find out who has betrayed him. Max has texted Sean to let him know that Derek is going to go down after the art show, and his presence is requested. And while we're on that subject, TJ's reaction was very touching!
Starting off at Franco's art show, we see all of Port Charles' A-listers there. The only problem is that Franco, the star of the show, is not!
He's having second thoughts about passing off Heather's art work as his own, but Diane convinces him to do it; saying that Heather will never find out and everyone will make a ton of cash!
Ms. Miller made a big mistake in underestimating Heather, which is something you NEVER do in Port Charles. Not only is Heather already at the show, (incognito), she's been chatting up Sebastian, Franco's art dealer, and tells him that she will buy all of the paintings that haven't sold yet!
And while this is going on, Kiki and Michael have come to warn Morgan about Ava, and her lying,devious ways. Ava, and most definately Morgan, aren't having it.
Ava tries to make a big announcement to the crowd saying Derek is her silent partner, but it goes over like a lead balloon.
What does get a reaction from Morgan is when Carly tells him how he and Derek are sleeping together! Ava tries to give Carly a taste of what she and Morgan are doing and starts playing tongue hockey with him in front of Carly. Bamn!! Cat fight!! Carly jumps on Ava, and IT'S ON!!
After the smoke clears, and Franco's made his grand entrance with Diane on his arm, Sebastian announces the sale of Franco's paintings to the crowd. He says that the woman who bought them only wants Franco to explain the meaning of the paintings.
As Franco stumbles, Heather can't take it anymore; interrupting to say how one painting was inspired by a BLT!! (Huh???)
On to Sonny, who's still at his restaurant when he's interrupted by a visit from outgoing DA Lazzaro.
Lazzaro tells Sonny about his conversation with Scott Baldwin, where he was told that Scotty has a flash drive with him speaking with Sonny, proving that he and Sonny are working together. He asks if Sonny was wearing a wire, which Sonny denies.
However, Olivia remembers seeing Morgan speaking with Baldwin and tells Sonny. Sonny puts two and two together and reaches for the desk clock that Morgan recently returned to him. He turned it over and saw the bug that Morgan had put on the back of it. Sadly, Sonny now realizes that Morgan has betrayed him.
Finally, Sean gets a text from Max saying that he's supposed to help take Derek down after the art show. He's with TJ at his polling place--and TJ realizes something is going down.
TJ is scared--and tells Sean that if something happens to him, then he will be alone, hugging him in the process. It was very sweet! I remember when TJ first came to live with Sean, and he was not very nice to him.
What is REALLY going to go down at the art show? Will Franco come clean about the paintings? will Sean make it through for TJ? Stay tuned!
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