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General Hospital Update for Friday, 8-Nov-2013

Author: jackie
Posting date: Fri, 08-Nov-2013 2:52:46 PM PDT

A day at a Fine Art Show can turn diastrous when people try to cheat the art dealer. Wow! All of Port Charles has decked out in their finest array to view Franco's contemporary art.... HA If one considers colorful lines of blts art. Ha Diane has worked feverishly to make this show of art successful. Yet, along comes the artist herself miss Heather. She turns all the BlT art around to reveal her images. BLT ,of course, represents her love for Bacon- lettuce -tomato sandwiches.. just those from Kelly's. ;-)
All goes awry when the police come to arrest Franco and Heather for fraud,etc. Heather pleads with the new DA Scotty not to arrest her son. Yes.. as unbelievable as it is, she says to Scotty: " Franco is your son." This statement confuses all until a legitimate birth certificate is brought forth. Different characters bring up their sheer rage towards Heather. As she is being towed away by the police, she tells Franco that she loved him. Of course, she had sold him.He is so distraught that he just walks away. Later, Carly shows up to console him. By the way, he is not Jason's twin. Today's event left this fan a little confused too.how can one woman tell sooooooooo many lies and hurt so many people?
Morgan keeps looking morose so Ava asks him what is wrong? She senses that he feels somewhat bad about betraying his father.In the meantime. Sonny is distraught to think that his own son Morgan has betrayed him. Sonny rants and raves while Olivia tries to console him. As usual, she wants to save him. It's sad the way she clings to him.He's just not into her, is he? She tries to point out reasons why he should not rush to kill Julian.She adds that Morgan is angry and hurt,but that he does love Sonny.Hopefully, there will be no bloodshed as Sonny decides to face Julian, Ava, and Morgan in person. What if Derek/Julian is shot before he can reveal himself to Sam? His being Sam's father may save his life if the truth is told soooooo. Tune in on Monday to check out the ending of this art show fiasco.
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