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General Hospital Update for Friday, 15-Nov-2013

Author: View Profile kscornell
Posting date: Sun, 17-Nov-2013 4:33:17 PM PDT

Wow, GH is getting GOOD! We've got the Connie Falconeri custody trial going on, Patrick and Sabrina are planning their wedding (and any bets on when THAT will blow up in their faces??); Robert and Anna are busting out of Cassadine Island and Nick and Britt are getting closer! And yes, today there was SERIOUS lip lockage going on!
Starting off at the trial, we see Diane and Alexis hitting below the belt as each witness comes to the stand.
Maxie has to explain how she is responsible for Robin's death (a big NOT!!) and yesterday she had to walk down memory lane by telling the court about how she scored drugs for Lucky.
Today, Diane hit back. She asked Lulu about how she offed Logan (remember??)--and finished off with her abortion!!
But what took the cake was when Lulu blatantly lied on the stand by denying Maxie's statement that she told her that she was ready to take Connie and leave the country!
What made it worse was the fact that Dante knew she was committing perjury, was called to the stand by Diane and was asked the same question! We didn't hear his answer, but I'm sure he'll give it on Monday.
On to Patrick and Sabrina, who are busy planning their wedding. What they don't know is that Robin has broken into the GH lab to grab Luke's blood sample to work on a cure for Jerry Jacks.
Why is this important? Patrick let himself into the lab while Robin was working (she was able to hide under a table) and as he was looking for Luke's test results, was visited by Sabrina, who brought a wedding invitation for Ellie.
They took some time for serious tongue hockey (which Robin had to hear, poor thing) and walked out, leaving Ellie's invitation on her desk.
Robin picked up the invitation when she was alone again and shed a tear. As she was doing this, she was visited by Carlos, who thought she was Sabrina!
While all this was going on, Robert and Anna are busy working to bust themselves out of the lab on Cassadine Island. Nothing's working--not until Robert gets the idea to create a thumb print from the guards' finger prints from gum. And miracles of miracles, IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!! The door slid open and Robert and Anna ran out of there.
Over at Windemere, Britt is wondering what is going on in the Catacombs, as Obrecht has been going down there alot with food.
She knows that Obrecht is up to no good and she's right, because what Britt doesn't know is that Duke is being held prisoner by Faison down there!
Obrecht questions why Faison just doesn't kill Duke now, but Duke enlightens her: Faison wants to keep him alive because he is the fastest ticket to Anna! A crushed Obrecht has to admit it's true!
What Obrecht and Faison don't know is that Britt and Nicholas are getting closer--so close that they KISS! I KNEW that was coming!!
What will Dante say on the stand? And who will get custody of baby Connie? Will Robin reunite with Patrick and Emma before the wedding? Will Anna rescue Duke? Stay tuned!
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