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General Hospital Update for Wednesday, 27-Nov-2013

Author: View Profile kscornell
Posting date: Sat, 30-Nov-2013 7:38:42 AM PDT

What soap opera wedding isn't full of drama? Trust me, Patrick and Sabrina's has plenty!
And while the wedding of the year is going on in PC, there was LOTS happening outside of the church!
Let's see: Robin and Anna freed Luke and Nicholas from Faison, who is now officially toast--but if Anna has his way, he might be burnt to a crisp; Jerry Jacks is in Port Charles and Bobbie (yes, Bobbie!!) runs into him and Maxie tries to break a court order to see Connie. Oh, and did I mention the WEDDING???
Anyway, everyone's at the church to watch Patrick and Sabrina get married. There is trouble brewing, starting off with the fact that Lucy, who was going to perform the ceremony (Lucy???) has decided that she can't do it, because she no longer believes in marriage! Seems like she and the Doc had one fight too many.
Anyway, Felix talks her into it and that problem is solved. Now there's another one. Noah, who was supposed to give Sabrina away, has called to say that he is held up in surgery and can't leave Seattle!
Patrick shrugs and says it's typical Noah, but Felix freaks, because now there's noone available to give the bride away! Felix steps up and decides to do it, because there's nothing he wouldn't do for Sabrina. There's a huge problem getting ready to come to light, but more on that later....
On to Bobbie, who has gone to the MetroCourt to pick up Luke to go to the wedding. Did she ever get the shock of her life to see Jerry chained to his bed as she opened the door!
One thing leads to another and Jerry talks her into going to the GH lab to get his cure for Pallonium poisoning.
Of course, Bobbie comes back empty-handed, because as we all know, Britt was able to get there first.
Jerry takes her hostage and is holding a knife to her throat when Luke FINALLY picks up his cell and answers his sister's call!
Luke? He and Nicholas have been rescued by Robert and Anna from Faison. Britt gives him the vial of the antidote for Jerry, but Luke decides not to give it to Jerry but to give it to Sean Donnelly instead. (A much-better choice, but maybe he will change his mind, now that he knows that Jerry has Bobbie...)
Almost forgot to mention Maxie, who is really taking her forced separation from baby Connie hard. She promptly violates the court order and goes over to Spinelli's new place that he's sharing with Sam, just to give Connie a gift and to hold her for a minute.
Spinelli (and Ellie) remind her of the court order, adding that they all could go to jail if the judge finds out and that Connie would be placed into foster care!
Spinelli gently closes the door on his Maxinista, and a devastated Maxie leaves the present at his door.
Robin, anxious to halt Patrick's wedding, heads to the mainland with Luke, leaving Robert and Anna with Faison. Robert thinks that they are just waiting for Faison to be taken to prison (noone knows where Obrecht is), but Anna has different ideas. She wants to kill Faison herself!
Back to the wedding, and the drama that's going to go down!
Things are moving along nicely and Lucy is at the part where if anyone knows why the wedding shouldn't happen, speak now or forever hold your peace. What everyone doesn't know is, ROBIN is in the church!!
But what I do know is that Monday is going to be GOOD!!!!!!!! Stay tuned!!
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