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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 21-Jan-2014

Author: jackie
Posting date: Tue, 21-Jan-2014 2:55:07 PM PDT

Today General Hospital was truly engaging with much anticipation to come. Perhaps the local newspaper should read: "Three children find Carly Jacks." Cameron, Spencer,and cute Emma are having a play date at Windemere. They both tell Emma that they love her. They request that she choose one of them as a boyfriend. Fair Emma says : " I can't do this" soooooooo bold Prince Spencer has a plan. They are playing outside til they hear a loud scream.. that voice belongs to Carly.Tune in tomorrow to see what happens.It's time to save Carly from Mommy dearest,HA Although,Heather cracks me up.

Michael spends a lot of time lambasting Franco to KiKi who is hiding Franco in their apartment.While Michael showers, She asks Franco to tell her the truth, and then, she asks him to leave. Yet, a knock keeps him from escaping. Dante is there to quiz them. kiKi lies to him about Franco. She likes Franco soooooooo.

Heather,of course, has moved Carly to a barn at Windemere,but my question is ;" Where is Luke?" He was knocked out yesterday sooooo,perhaps, Tracy found him in the boat house. Or did Heather kill him?( follow this story)

LuLu seems to really enjoy holding Ben when she visits Nicholas.Of course,Britt appears and takes him back. Wish Britt would tell the truth about little Ben. Nik may discover the truth.The truth could save Dante and LuLu's marriage. Who knows?

Interesting that our Elisabeth overheard Sabrina begging Felix not to tell her secret about Patrick's baby. Liz confronts them about what she had heard.Sabrina, again, begs Liz to remain silent. Liz says : " I can't,Patrick would want to know." At that time,I think Patrick overheard Sabrina's plea.Now, things will probably change a little in the Drake family.Oh me! Speaking of babies , congrats to Kristin ( Maxi) on the birth of her baby girl. Also, congrats to Bradford (Spinelli) on his new baby too.

The most shocking moment is when Dr. Obrecht,Britt's mother, is named the Chief of Staff at GH. I have a feeling that she and this guy have evil on their minds. GH had better keep its sane docs. Robin lunged for Obrecht with all her might. She explained to all what this evil woman had done to her and her family.She tore up her contract and walked out. Britt is appalled that her mom will rule the roost. Monica lets Obrecht know how she feels too. Monica needs to return to GH to spy on Obrecht. ;-)All these contenders and dedicated docs have a reason to be upset.

Please remember to tune in tomorrow to observe how the adorable little ones rescue Miss Carly.
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