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General Hospital Update for Monday, 24-Mar-2014

Author: jackie
Posting date: Mon, 24-Mar-2014 4:54:06 PM PDT

Schockeroo, Shockeroo! General Hospital was on fire today with some shocking revelations plus comedy. Dr Obrecht goes after Brad with a knife plus many words of warning. After telling him that he had better keep his mouth shut about Britt and Ben, she pushes him off the balcony or parapet at Windemere. Fortunately, he falls into hay.Lucas comes to find him covered with sprigs of hay instead of blood. This scene was funny. Tis good to use comedy in these serious situations.HA Brad and Obrecht were hilarious.

ALL seem to be enjoying Britt and Nic's engagement party. Sam, Alexis, Elizabeth,Tracy , Britt, and Olivia look lovely..Yet, poor LuLu is in Ben's room shedding tears. The great news is: Liz,as one knows, read the letter that Britt had written to ease her guilt.She thought that she had burned it, but Cameron found it and made a heart for precious Emma.Before Liz breaks the news to LuLu, LuLu wonders in anticipation about what Elizabeth really knows. Lu does tell Liz that she has felt this close bond to little Ben.Finally, Liz tells an astonished LuLu that she is Ben's mom.( tis time ;-)Lu reads the note and exclaims: " I am going to get my son." A fiery LuLu walks in during Nic's speech,toast, or whatever.She looks coldly at Britt and says :" Let him go. Get your hands off my son." Wow! What a shocker!

Another shocker is when Luke calls Julian to the barn. He tells Julian that it's time to take Corinthos out. Apparently, Luke has been the partner in crime..not Ric.Luke does not seem to be himself.In fact, he keeps making statements about "hot women".What's this all about? He also mentions giving Tracy the ring because of her connection with ELQ. What a jerk he is!Tracy finally finds Luke with Julian. Later, she tells Sonny that Luke is with Julian. Of course, by this time, Ric has sworn to Sonny and Alexis that he is not in cahoots with Julian.Ric says ;"I am doing his legal work..that's it." I think that Alexis believes that Ric is telling the truth.What a show!

A little one named Spencer was hiding in the barn soooooo this tyke heard all of Luke and Julian's conversation . He likes Sonny. Sooooooooooo.Watch out for clever Spenser. Please tune in tomorrow to catch the fireworks from LuLu's declaration. This should be interesting.
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