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General Hospital Update for Friday, 20-Jun-2014

Author: View Profile kscornell
Posting date: Sat, 21-Jun-2014 7:25:51 PM PDT

The summer storm clouds are forming in Port Charles, if today was any indication. What happened today?
The verdict came down in Maxie's request to get visitation rights with Georgie, and it wasn't a happy one; Jordan is close to finding out who is pulling the strings in the Jerome Crime Family and hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! Nina's taking no prisoners!
Starting off in the Courthouse, we're at Maxie's hearing. Nathan is telling the judge again how his accidentally throwing out the hearing notice prevented her from making it.
Judge Walters asked Nathan to swear to this under oath, when Maxie stepped in at the nick of time.
She made a moving speech, telling the Judge that the only person who lied was her--but she has matured and grown as a person over the last 6 months and deserved a chance to see Georgie!
Judge Walters didn't buy it. Not only did he deny visitation for an additional 6 months; he yelled at Maxie for making Nathan lie!(So NOT true!!)Naturally, Levi was all over poor Nathan for that...
After Maxie told Levi to stuff it when he kept telling her to breathe after the verdict (YAY!!), she went over to Lulu's house, where she fell apart in her friend's embrace.
Now to the Gallery, where Julian is telling Jordan that it's better for her if she doesn't know who they are working for.
They get a visitor:Max Diamond, who is sending a message from "Fluke": that Julian needs to go out of town on an urgent meeting and that Jordan needs to leave well enough alone!
Finally we hit the inferno that we know as Nina. She is playing the understanding soon to be ex wife to the hilt; sending Silas out on his date with Sam.
She's sitting sweetly in her chair as the door to Silas' apartment closes--but things change when she's alone...
Not only does she fly out of the chair, she has no problems trashing the place--like she did before, and got away with it only because Silas thought Madeline did it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Summer's started and here we go!!! Will Nina's secret come out? Will Julian's secret come out? Will Maxie ever see Georgie? Stay tuned!!
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