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General Hospital Update for Friday, 27-Jun-2014

Author: View Profile kscornell
Posting date: Sun, 29-Jun-2014 2:12:28 PM PDT

Sam and Patrick are getting closer to finding out who was driving the car that ran Patrick and Sabrina off the road--and it's not looking good for Rafe.
What else happened today? Tracy and Luke are getting sooooo much closer to getting their greedy paws on ELQ--but not if Michael has anything to say about it. Speaking of ELQ, Michael is kicking off his first project as CEO, but he's going to have to get it by Levi and Maxie.
Almost forgot to mention that Franco and Sonny had it out in the park!! (Again!!)
Starting off with Sam and Patrick, we see Sam busy checking out the scene of the accident. She wisely determines from the black paint left behind that a black sportscar could've been the culprit.
They start checking out various body shops in Port Charles, and just happen to walk into one that looks a lot like the one that Johnny Zacarra used to own back in the day.The mechanic tells them that yes, he does remember a car fitting that description being brought in at the right time. Sam looks at the information in the computer and is stunned!
Rafe? He went over to Sam's and told Molly that there is something he has to tell her. Based on everything we've seen, it's not looking good for Rafe!
On to ELQ, where Tracy is trying to convince Michael that she has kicked Luke to the curb. She lets herself into Michael's office, tries to log on to his computer and is on the phone with Luke when a stunned Michael walks into his office.
Tracy tap dances her way out of THIS sticky situation and finally asks Michael about a folder she snooped thru on his desk: The Waterfront Redevelopment Project.
Michael tells his Aunt that not only is this his first project as ELQ CEO, he wants her to head it up!
Tracy takes the information back to her office, smirking that this is the way she'll get back into ELQ.
One of the first jobs in this project is a renovation of the brownstone that used to be owned by Bobbie. (Remember?)
And guess who's living rent-free on the site and heading the renovation? Morgan!!
A shirtless Morgan is hard at work when Kiki shows up, asking if there's room for two on the project. She wants to move out of Silas' place to get away from Nina, while Morgan explained that life with Franco and Carly was not cutting it for him.
It might not happen at all, after Levi and Maxie walk in, saying they're going to put an end to the project!! Whatttt???
Finally Franco. He walks upon Carly and Sonny having a friendly hug in the park and tells Sonny to keep his hands off Carly! He adds that he knows Sonny's secret (killing AJ) and leaves him hanging as to whether he'll blab or not.
Will Rafe be the other driver of the car? Will the Waterfront Redevelopment Project get off the ground? Stay tuned!
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