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General Hospital Update for Friday, 11-Jul-2014

Author: View Profile kscornell
Posting date: Sun, 13-Jul-2014 2:34:50 PM PDT

Busy day in the Chuckles! There's a slow boat leaving for Australia,and Levi might be on it; and GH is the place for good and bad news: Rafe is brain-dead after a blood vessel burst during his surgery--but this means that Alice could possibly get the heart she badly needs.
Starting off at Maxie's apartment, there's a knock on the door. It's an INS agent, who asks whether Levi is living there. Maxie figures out that A. Levi has been ratted out and B. Sexypants is the culprit!
As Maxie is doing the tapdance of her life to save Levi and get the agent to leave, Levi comes to the door and blows it.Now the agent knows that A.Levi does live there and B.Maxie lied!
And of course, everyone's mad at Nathan, aka Sexypants!
Meanwhile, over at GH, we see a grieving Silas, who is being told by Patrick that a blood vessel burst during Rafe's surgery--and now he is brain dead.
Silas naturally believes that Patrick did this on purpose and says so. This will lead to a malpractice trial for Patrick, imho.
Sam took Patrick aside and asked him bluntly: did he deliberately nick a blood vessel during the surgery? Patrick was truthful and said that although he thought about it, in the end, he couldn't do it, which means that this burst blood vessel was accidental.
There is a silver lining to this:as this could mean that Alice could have the heart she needs.
And Tracy,not being known for her tact, figures this out and goes to see Kiki--who agrees to talk with Silas. And it also turns out that Alice and Silas are the same bllod type: B positive.
Will Levi be deported? Will Alice get Rafe's heart? Stay tuned!

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