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General Hospital Update for Friday, 18-Jul-2014

Author: View Profile kscornell
Posting date: Sun, 20-Jul-2014 11:41:15 AM PDT

Lots of doings in the Chuckles today! What happened?
As family and friends say good-bye to Rafe, Patrick sees that it could go from bad to worse for him--and Nina's waiting in the wings to move in on Silas.
Maxie is convinced that Nathan, aka Detective Sexypants, is the one who ratted Levi out to INS; but the truth is shocking, to say the least.
And what would a Friday be without Spencer, right? Get the latest on the Spencer-Emma-Cameron love triangle, and Spencer's latest plan to get Britt and Nicholas back together!
Starting off at GH, we see everyone coming to grips with Rafe's death. After Patrick told Sam that although the thought of nicking a blood vessel while Rafe was on the table did cross his mind, in the end, he couldn't do it--and the burst vessel that eventually killed Rafe had burst naturally.
She relays this to Silas, who naturally doesn't believe it. He's dropping so many hints about going to the media that Obrecht decides to head him off at the pass and call a press conference: forcing Patrick to be there. Huh??
And where's Nina in all of this? After Sam takes Silas up to the GH roof for a private conversation, Mrs Clay decides to sneak up to the roof to do a little spying; not worrying about what she's going to say if someone catches her out of the chair! She sneaks up to the roof,leaving Rosalie guarding the door.
Moving on to Maxie's apartment, we see a stunned Nathan returning from the gym, only to discover his clothes in a trashbag, outside the front door.
Maxie tells Sexypants that not only that, she's had the locks changed--and he can consider himself evicted!
Why? Because Maxie is convinced that Nathan made the phone call to INS, even though he has denied it--and even though we see footage of LEVI making the call!! Talk about sneaky!!
Levi shows up at that point and goes all righteous, asking Maxie if she's changed the locks and laughing Nathan off when he said that Levi could have done it.
Finally, Spencer. He's with the rest of Lila's Kids at Daycamp in the park. The kids are divided into two teams for a field day; with one team headed up by Britt and the othjer led by Liz. Although the possibilities are endless, Spencer decides to run away--after texting Britt first!
Will Patrick be charged with murder? Will the truth about Nathan come out? Will the grownups in the park find Spencer? Stay tuned!
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