Top Ten Lists

Top Ten Things Ryan Doesn't Like About the Institution

10) They always serve muffins for dessert; not Felicia's
    recipe, but nearly as deadly
 9) Really poor reception on 24 hour Felicia Channel
 8) Doctors have no sense of humor: didn't appreciate
    knife through the "Wheaties" joke
 7) Psychiatric journals the hospital subscribes to keep
    spelling his name wrong
 6) Heating hasn't worked properly since Felicia and Mac
    crawled through the ducts
 5) No wacky tie day
 4) They don't screen visitors well enough
 3) Jimmy is assigned to his ward and he's beginning to look
 2) Felicia seems to have lost the address
And the number one thing Ryan doesn't like about the
 1) Crayons don't come in enough colors
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