General Hospital Message Board


Look. I get that Nina is personal non grata on SZ and it's well-deserve 99% of

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Thu, 07-Mar-2024 12:48:17 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of March 4th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Yeah. When Nina said MAKE time, I wanted Alexis to say MAKE an appointment. posted by AmberRedux
the time but she is still the boss now and that constitutes insubordination. Alexis is the EIC. It is not her job to run off to a story. That is the job of a reporter. If that story was so hot she could have sent a reporter and taken the meeting which essentially wasn't more than a meet and greet. They were there what 15 minutes? LOL.

And I agree it wasn't dirty laundry per se, but Alexis had a tone and attitude that clearly let Adrian know there was some tension there--which is not a good look for her. What could Nina have done differently? Given Alexis the heads up and ask if she was free.

What could Alexis have done differently? Behaved professionally which she did not. And this is coming from an Alexis fan. She was haughty and condescending yesterday. 🤷🏾‍♀️

I think they were both wrong, but Nina is her boss now. If she doesn't like her managerial style, have a conversation and give feedback or maybe find another job.

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