a long time. He even had this gray area at times.
Don't understand how Sidwell is going all around PC, and they can't come up with anything to arrest him. Just saw Lucy being ridiculous about letting him invest in Deception.
If Cody knew everything, I think all of PC would have known about it based on how long Sasha's information was kept under wraps. Regarding Cody...run, Molly, run!
Good point about Cates. Why did that just get dropped? It could have been an interesting story.
I'm not a Drew fan either but compared to others that have committed murder, his shortcomings do pail a bit.
I like Lucky and Elizabeth as friends now. It seems to be moving too quickly to put them together as a couple, and like you said, he will probably be leaving again. I thought he and Kristina should pair up, but that wouldn't work. I'm tired of hearing Kristina complain about Ava and the justice system without her taking any blame for what took place.